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Messages - oredigger

Pages: 1

I am working in a college shop where we have three Syil X4 mills for student use. I am in the process of upgrading one to use a 'leafboy77' USB Motion control card. I have everything working thus far, but need some help with the spindle auto calibrate (autocal). The auto calibration works, but either because of noise or the USB board I get 'spikes' in the calibration line, due to the fact the rpm reading will spike occasionally or read zero breifly. This will cause the spindle to either run much faster or much slower when commanded at certain speeds.

Because it works otherwise, I would really just like to be able to edit the calibration curve, there is usually only 3-4 spikes to edit. Is there a way to do this?

Otherwise it works perfectly.



Wow... thanks for the responses! I have been really busy as of late and haven't had the chance to try and implement any of this, but I may get a chance to work on it this weekend/early next week. Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it!

First, I apologize if this is something that has been answered or could be answered by searching the threads... but I'm on a bit of a time crunch here...

I will be a teaching assistant for a shop class that starts in a couple weeks, and there is a lot of prep that needs to be done before the class. I have setup Mach 3 on the CNC lathes (Syil C6-B's) and everything seems to work fine. But because the spindles are controlled manually, we want the program to check for spindle speed before running the program to help prevent tool crashes.

Basically we want to redefine the M03 command so that it:

  • Stops the program cycle (similar to M06 when there is no auto-tool changer)
  • Waits until spindle speed is within +/- 10% of speed set with S#
  • If/when spindle is at correct speed allows user to press Reset and/or Cycle Start
As you can tell, we don't have any strict requirement other than not allowing the students to run the program until the spindle is up to speed. It is also not a big deal if we have to create/use a custom M-code. Any help you can provide, links to guides, example code (or full code  ;)) would be really helpful!


Pages: 1