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Messages - rimawi2008

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: OEM codes for buttons, DRO's and LED's
« on: April 25, 2011, 05:32:16 AM »
hello , every one

iam beginner in mach3 i build plasma cnc machine and try to learn on mach3 can i ask what is dro and leds oem is?
and i need to know how can i control z- axis in mach3 i need to move it down until limit switch closed then move it up for a specific value then take  signal to start plasma
can i do that using mach3 if i cant what is the way to control plasma ??
thank you very much

General Mach Discussion / Re: i have problem with motor calibration
« on: April 20, 2011, 07:24:01 PM »
thanks hood my speed problem solved i put f5000 fro 5000 but the distance problem is still there
i put g1 x0 y50 z0 to move y axis 50mm but it is move 12.43 mm only can i find solution ?
thank you

General Mach Discussion / Re: i have problem with motor calibration
« on: April 20, 2011, 06:24:20 PM »
thank you hood for replay
i attached my xml file
i used microstepping motor driver that i design , i design it to make one revolution when take 6400 pulse
and my driving system is belt
there is the way how i calculate my parameter
1- make one revolution of motor by sending 6400 pulse from microcontroller and measure haw axis move and it is 53.69 mm
2- then i calculate the step per unit by this equation 6400/53.69 = 119.2 pulse
3- i put this value in config > motor tuning > step per
4- i tray for get my best velocity and acceleration by moving cursor and apply the new parameter
when i tried to move the x and y axis 5mm by g1 x5 y5 z0 they move very slowly and move incorrect value i tried calibration in setting alt6 but it doesnt work .
when i send 119 pulse from microcontroller to my machine it is move exactly one mm.
what can i do?

General Mach Discussion / i have problem with motor calibration
« on: April 20, 2011, 04:14:56 AM »
hello , every one

i have a problem with mach3 i make my calculation for step per and it is 119.2 i add this to mach3 motor tuning and select mm as my unit
the "step per"mean when i send 119.2 pulse the machine move 1mm .
but mach3 move 5mm when i use microcontroller and send 119 pulse the machine move 1 mm
i tray to make calibration in setting alt6 but it doesnt work ?

what can i do ??

Pages: 1