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Messages - snout

Pages: 1
cheers for that, I use Page-UP and Page-DOWN to jog my Z axis ATM

Hi demenicis

can I ask you what that device is you have attached to the game port of your breakout board?

I have the exact same board and was going to fit a joystic to it, but that looks interesting :)

General Mach Discussion / confused about home and limits...
« on: January 17, 2011, 10:43:02 AM »
Hello everyone :)

I recently handbuilt my first cnc machine, I'm rather excited about it. I eventually plan to try and make my own guitars with it, but at the moment I'm happily trying to get the bugger to work!

So far I've built it, I've got my motors and all that attached.I've got reliable movement along all of my axis (3). I've calibrated the motor turning to get accurate movements.
(I'm quite proud of myself so far :D)

The next thing I want to try and figure out is how home and limits works. My controller card/breakout board gubbins has wiring for 3 limit switches and 1 Kill-switch.
I've got a Kill switch and 6 limit switches on the way.

Are the switches wired up in pairs in series/parallel to the controller? (2 for x, 2 for y, 2 for z)
I'm guessing I put my limit switches in position, configure them in Mach3 to kill that axis should they get triggered.

Can I then set it to move to a furthest point, say the furthest back/left/upper corner of my cutting area, stop when it triggers the switches and then consider this point to be 0,0,0. I can then set my soft limits of the cutting area I want to use and design my CAD files around the principle of my cutting area and my 0 point?

I'm quite new to this whole buisness and am learning as I go, Sorry if I come over a bit noobish :)


Pages: 1