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Messages - sagita

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / ofset g55
« on: January 13, 2014, 03:19:24 PM »
when i use G55 and i change the Z coordinate to cero and then to 8 or any value  and then cero again to get my new cero on Z. my part does not have the height expected.seems like save the last height on z axis.

i lost my old computer with XP WORKING  without any trouble.

 and now i am using windows 7 32 bits with a  PCI PARALLEL CARD.

motor are configured and the accuracy too.


MACH VERSION 3.043.066


i almost done my new DIY   router-milling machine for optical process. i am new on cnc but am learning and today was my first day operating the mach 3 is powerfull my machine respond perfect. with the stteper from gecko in a few day i will post some pictures from my work.

Antonio Torres

Pages: 1