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Messages - Oldraven

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The UC100 works now.
Settings are; Max step rate @ 50kHz

Ports and pins;
No parallel port selected.
I had to change the Z-axis Dir & Step both to Low Active
(before only the Dir was selected)

Also the Y-axis change to Dir Low active, to change the direction of movement.
(before it was not selected)

Now all axis run normal.
Why I had the play with the Dir & Step settings I do not know.

Same here today.

I ran Mach3 with a Smoothstepper. Worked fine, but did not compensate for backlash.

So I bought an UC100.
No movement of the axis, just the DRO's on screen were moving up and down.

Set the UC100 to 50 got the X and Y  axis moving. The Z-axis won't move, just the DRO responds.

Did anyone find a solution?


Machscreen Screen Designer / Re: Mach3 and Machscreen.
« on: May 11, 2015, 09:43:30 AM »
I have found what is happening with the command " Call SetOemDro(824, x) "

the jumping of the content of the X- and Z- DRO's is related to the Tool-table.

With a "fresh" tool-table, all zeroes, nothing happens. The DRO's keep their Zero content.

However, a "filled" tool-table with different values for the X- and Z- offsets reflects in the values of the X- and Z- DRO's .

This had me confused for a very long time !!!
No bug in Mach3 , just me not understanding what the relations are between the tool-table and the DRO's .


Machscreen Screen Designer / Re: Mach3 and Machscreen.
« on: May 10, 2015, 12:05:45 PM »
The problem with the Mach3 VB command " SetDro24 or SetOemDro 824 " turned up again and stayed.

Nothing I have done changed this.

I have worked around this by assigning my own UserDRO(1500, x)  Address 1500 is arbitrary chosen by me.

The command in my macro now is; Call SetUserDro(1500, x)
I wanted to set the Tool# in the DRO.
To set a tool# I looked at the ToolAngle DRO;  GetDro(3)

A bit of VB commands;
CurrentAngle_A = GetDro(3)
CurrentAngle = CInt(CurrentAngle_a)

If CurrentAngle = 0 or 360 Then Current_Tool_# = 1
If CurrentAngle = 60 Then Current_Tool_# = 2
If CurrentAngle = 120 Then Current_Tool_# = 3
If CurrentAngle = 180 Then Current_Tool_# = 4
If CurrentAngle = 240 Then Current_Tool_# = 5
If CurrentAngle = 300 Then Current_Tool_# = 6

With the Current_Tool_# I can work and set the UserDro(1500 , x)

The only thing is the the TOOLDESC label does not work with my UserDro .

Maybe this is a confusing story, but I do not know what else to do.


Machscreen Screen Designer / Re: Mach3 and Machscreen.
« on: March 03, 2015, 06:39:30 AM »


I have erased the Mach3 folder on my PC completely.
After saving relevant files like Screensets, Bitmaps, XML's and others.

Re-installed Mach3 Ver. R3.043.066.

OK, it seems that my special Turn screen is fine now.
After testing the "Turret 1x " button many times, even after re-starting the PC the problem is gone.

Testing the Machscreen worked also fine. I did not get the Corrupt File message.

It seems the a complete new install of Mach3 cured everything.

Thank you for looking into this,
Kind regards,


Machscreen Screen Designer / Re: Mach3 and Machscreen.
« on: March 02, 2015, 07:21:47 AM »
Hi Jos,

  Your screenset file doesn't report a corrupted state on my machine. Is this the screenset making problems?
Yes Klaus , it is.

  In your previous posting you are using different code numbers, 24 and 924. I assume 924 was a typo and you meant 824. 824 is an OEM-code,  where  24 can be OEM or Standard.
Indeed it should be OEM-Code 824.

  I compared your profiles with MachProfile and couldn’t find weighty differences.  What button did you change?

The " TURRET 1x " button. I do the testing of the anomaly with this button.
On executing SetDRO(24,x) both X- and Z- DRO's are randomly changed.
This change happens also when the EMCO5 lathe has no power. Noise from the lathe electrics seems no problem.
If I comment the SetDRO(24,x) or  SetOEMDRO(824,x) out , the X- and Z_ DRO's are fine.

Today I found that the profile I created yesterday (it worked OK) now is faulty again.

I use Windows XP on a mini HP PC.

Maybe I must delete the entire Mach3 folder and start again.
This has been almost a two month hunt for finding a solution.


Machscreen Screen Designer / Re: Mach3 and Machscreen.
« on: March 02, 2015, 03:06:26 AM »

Hello Klaus,

Thank you for responding.

I am running Mach3 Ver.R3.043.066

Attached is a .rar file with the info.
If you need specific files let me know.

Thanks again,


Machscreen Screen Designer / Mach3 and Machscreen.
« on: March 01, 2015, 07:41:08 AM »

I encountered a strange behavior of Mach3 Tool number DRO 24.

If I execute this; SetDro(24,x) the the Z- and Z- DRO's (on my lathe screen) also changed value at random.

I made a new profile, in fact copying the one in use and this problem was gone. The SetDrO(924,x) functioned fine and both the X- and Z-axis were OK.

But, AFTER using Machscreen the situation was back as before.
Machscreen, on loading the .lset) reported a corrupted file.
Saving the .lset after changing a Button, caused the SerDro(24,x) the malfunction again.

Working on the .lset file, that causes Machscreen to report as Corrupt File, and after saving the .lset again throws the DRO functions into a faulty behavior.

I do not know why the .lset is reported corrupt. Machscreen gives me no clue.
Any insight in this?

Would using Screen4 be a better choice ?



VB and the development of wizards / Mach3 and Machscreen.
« on: March 01, 2015, 05:38:16 AM »


I have posted here earlier (Need Help) about a strange behavior of Mach3 Tool number DRO 24.

If I execute this; SetDro(24,x) the the Z- and Z- DRO's (on my lathe screen) also changed value at random.

I made a new profile, in fact copying the one in use and this problem was gone. The SetDrO(924,x) functioned fine and both the X- and Z-axis were OK.

But, AFTER using Machscreen the situation was back as before.
Machscreen, on loading the .lset) reported a corrupted file.
Saving the .lset after changing a Button, caused the SerDro(24,x) the malfunction again.

Working on the .lset file, that causes Machscreen to report as Corrupt File, and after saving the .lset again throws the DRO functions into a faulty behavior.

I do not know why the .lset is reported corrupt. Machscreen gives me no clue.

Would using Screen4 be a better choice ?



VB and the development of wizards / Re: need help! SOLVED!
« on: February 21, 2015, 04:15:16 AM »

You cannot use the word ROUND as a variable it is an internal math function. Change that word to something else. I changed it to Turn.

Thanks for this hint.

I am Dutch, hence the mistake in translating the dutch word "rond"to "round".
I did not know that Round is an internal function.

However, the strange problem seems to be solved.

I decided to create a new profile, from the one that gave me so much trouble, in order to work on this new profile with Machscreen.

Before doing any changes to to lset file I tested the new profile.
After copying the M6Start.m1s file in the profile folder all worked like a charm.

The X- and Z DRO's stay on zero!! no more jumping around at random.

It seems that copying and thus creating a new profile Mach3 corrected a mistake somewhere.



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