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Messages - Kare

Pages: 1
Finished Plugins for Download / Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« on: July 30, 2010, 03:14:59 AM »
Hi Ullteppet,
still waiting for chip to come. Will post results when it arrives.


Finished Plugins for Download / Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« on: July 26, 2010, 08:36:57 AM »
Thanks BK,
 it's made with Altium Designer (former Protel DXP).

Finished Plugins for Download / Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« on: July 24, 2010, 06:55:45 AM »
You could set PD001 to 1 so that it accepts external terminal command and PD002 to control speed. Maybe then Mach can be set to directly control Run, Stop and EStop commands and speed by plugin.
But I don't think that you can drive VFD directly with LPT since it is TTL level (5V) and VFD operates on 24V. You probably would fry the port.
Simple interface card with relays, buffer chip, optocouplers can help. I you are able to DIY:

If you have any question about circuit, shoot :)

Finished Plugins for Download / Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« on: July 24, 2010, 02:35:10 AM »
mhasting2004 I wanted from a start to connect it via RS485 so at the time I do manually :). I have PD001=0 and PD002=1 - run and stop on VFDs buttons and speed over 10k pot. If you have spare contact on your external button you can use it to directly turn spindle off. You just have to set one of the inputs of VFD to be STOP. For example you can set PD044 (FOR contact) to 4 and that should do the trick. You send Mach info about stop and at the same time you do hardware stop (much safer than s/w as you pointed out).

Hope that's the answer you were looking for.

Finished Plugins for Download / Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« on: July 24, 2010, 01:30:06 AM »
I don't just turn it off, I use deceleration slope and works perfectly for me since there is virtually no load load on motor shaft so it stops in set time.

You are absolutely right that it's hassle for us and for Maxim. But in Croatia there is minimum ordering price from Farnell. And at the time I don't need anything else so this is way I had to take. This is actually second time in my life to order samples so I pointed out this option for people in similar to my position. So people don't exploit do it only if actually necessary.

Cheers all :)

Finished Plugins for Download / Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« on: July 23, 2010, 05:16:12 AM »
Well so far there was no need for me to use braking so I don't know whether that is also missing or not. But I'll check if you want.

Obviously we had similar experience with brilliant engineering and multiple visions of standardization inside single device :)

Hope to join you two guys in using this mystical VFD evasive feature. And if possible help other poor souls trapped inside this engineering wonder :D


Finished Plugins for Download / Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« on: July 23, 2010, 04:05:06 AM »
Thank you all.
Anyone missing this chip can probably use any pin compatible transceiver IC (be sure to check on datasheet of 75176B to make sure, most important are voltage levels!!! These MUST be identical), but I personally prefer Maxim for comm IC. Unfortunately my local electronic store doesn't sell these so I ordered some samples directly from Maxim (it's free for anyone interested, you just need to register). Maybe my friend has some so I don't have to wait for these.

No worry I have long experience in electronics but good tip for all that will go through with this procedure.

For everyone who wants to do this:
If you don't have ESD strip make sure to at least discharge yourself before you grab IC by touching some grounded metal object like plumming pipes or something similar just make sure you touch unpainted surface. If you never done something like this ask someone who did!!! One beer is cheaper than any VFD ;)

Well they mostly tend to reduce cost anywhere however the final price is also quite low. So I honestly didn't expect it to be state of the art since i payed for bundled VFD+motor 350$ (witch is less then what you would pay for equivalent power Danfoss VFD only) but missing parts is simply unbelievable since I lost 2 days blaming my converter, software, cables, port etc. and never considered that they would actually sell unfinished product.
There are many transceivers that are pin compatible with these so one can say that is generic design. Difference is mostly in quality, max speed and power consumption of the chip.
Here are datasheets for just 3:

I'll post back when it's done and tested.

Finished Plugins for Download / Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« on: July 22, 2010, 10:10:20 AM »
Great, thanks.

At least there is possible solution. When you guys check specs I'll solder the chip on PCB and test drive it. Hopefully that should do the trick.

Finished Plugins for Download / Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« on: July 22, 2010, 06:06:07 AM »
I've done some more research and it seems that any standard RS485 -> TTL transciver IC would be OK. MAX485 or ADM485 for example. Both have identical pinout:

1 - RO
2 - /RE
3 - DE
4 - DI
5 - GND
6 - A
7 - B
8 - VCC

What i know for sure is that pins 5-8 match PCB. 6(A) is connected to RS+ and 7(B) is connected to RS- and I measured voltage on pins 5 and 8 and it is 5V so i would probably solve my problem by soldering MAX485 or compatible on PCB. But if anyone can confirm that it would be much appreciated.

Finished Plugins for Download / Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« on: July 22, 2010, 03:50:28 AM »
Hi guys, my first post on forum :)

I recently bought Huanyang VFD (1.5kW) controller from eBay with spindle. Don't know witch revision it is since there are no any markings. I have RS232 -> RS485 converter and can't get it to work. Maybe it is without necessary comm chip. Here is picture of board with display and cover off and marked in red position missing chip (U4). I also marked pins connected to RS contacts (10.3ohm each RS->pin connection).

Matty, could you please check if you have that chip on your PCB and if yes post marking of chip. I could then solder that chip on PCB myself.

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