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Messages - taras

Pages: 1
Finished Plugins for Download / Re: Huanyang VFD controller plugin
« on: July 18, 2010, 09:17:51 AM »

I have also received a new VFD as the old one had issues with the display.


2. On my new VFD it does nothing at all. I have ensured each parameter that was on the original unit is in the new unit.

Best of luck guys getting your units going.


I bought the same VFD one month ago, and I have same problems as you have. User bolingerbe  has the same problems (he posted earlier in this thread)

I've wrote to chai from linearmotionbearings2008 and still no answers from him, I've wrote to huanyang co. (xwdnzyp@163.com) and still got no answers.

Maybe those who coined the proverb that "avaricious pays twice", know what they talked about.

I hope that the problem can be solved, but how?

Pages: 1