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Messages - 2ferrous

Pages: 1
You will need to go to the General Config page and change the 1st 3 step amounts, like:
   0.001    (First step box, equates to pendant label X1)
   0.01       (Second step box, equates to pendant label X10)
   0.1       (Third step box, equates to pendant label X100)
Do not leave the rest of them blank.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Embedded Windows XP
« on: November 20, 2012, 05:02:16 PM »
Hmmm, didn't think of that.

I was just thinking of my own little irritations with Windows turning off the USB ports when the machine was idle or suddenly informing me that my security was out of date.
But that was awhile ago and everything is working fine now.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Embedded Windows XP
« on: November 19, 2012, 05:26:08 PM »
I had a feeling that was the reason. :(

I have a copy of how to set up Windows for running Mach3.
I should reread it and see if there's any changes that need to be made to the list.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Embedded Windows XP
« on: November 19, 2012, 04:54:37 PM »
Really? For a soon to be unsupported operating system?

If ArtSoft approached Microsoft there would definitely be some buying power there.

I just think it would end the 'Mach3 doesn't work on my computer' questions.


General Mach Discussion / Embedded Windows XP
« on: November 19, 2012, 04:10:40 PM »
Does ArtSoft offer an embedded version of Windows XP to work with Mach3?
Would they offer such a thing?
I know I'd pay $40 for a prestripped, no security, no constant upgrade version of Windows XP to put on my CNC's.
As for Windows 7 or 8, lets not even go there.


HiCON Motion Controller / Re: HiCON step/dir controller launched
« on: May 09, 2012, 04:03:19 PM »
Ahhhh, so it will run Gecko 320x's then.

Good to know.


Mach Screens / Re: Haas Style screen?
« on: May 08, 2012, 11:45:17 PM »
Since I'm still waiting, i decided to give it a shot myself...


HiCON Motion Controller / Re: HiCON step/dir controller launched
« on: May 08, 2012, 11:06:55 PM »
The HiCON is strictly for stepper motors isn't it?
But it does offer encoder feedback to keep track of position.
So shouldn't it also run brush servo's?


Pages: 1