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Messages - Landon

Pages: 1
One on one phone support. / axis position error
« on: May 11, 2010, 01:44:54 PM »
so I've written all the brains for the machine to get it to 'behave' but I still haven't solved the axis position error thing. I am pretty sure that I have not properly set up the encoders/servos in mach 3 and I keep going over the same parts of the setup manual in hopes of finding the missing voodoo but to no avail. ???

please help

others grow impatient with me

Landon 541-579-0526

This problem has been solved

Brains Development / solenoids for controlling the spindle speed
« on: May 06, 2010, 03:57:18 PM »
I have a Bridgeport R2E3 with solenoids for controlling the spindle speed in the gearhead as well as spindle brake. I have installed an Ajax system into the machine. What outputs in mach 3 would I use to get them to shake hands?

Pages: 1