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Messages - Josef

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / How to set your own variables in a part program?
« on: February 09, 2010, 04:13:43 AM »
Hi everybody,

Since I'm new to Mach3 and already searched the forum, but couldn't find an answer, would be great if I could get some here.

Well I already did some GCode programming on some other platforms, so I wondered how I can set my own variables in a part program? Is it possible to set variables in a part program?

For example: K=3 (the variable K should be 3)
                  and then I use it
                  M=K  which gives me the same result as if I would typ the command M3

Is that possible in Mach3?

Thanks for the answers, I know it should be trivial but I just can't find an answer?

best Josef


I'm Josef, and I'm new to Mach3. I use Mach3 for laser cutting and -welding. I'm searching for some answers here ;) !

Hope to get some!

best Josef

Pages: 1