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Messages - bandtank

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Ah, ok, that makes sense. Thanks for being so helpful. People like you make forums a great resource.

I'll see if I can duplicate your instructions when I get home from work.

Thanks for posting that program. Unfortunately I still have no idea how to use it or how you generated the array of holes. I think I need to get a book because Mastercam is crazy complicated. Usually I can just figure out how to use software but I can't even get it to make the simplest tool path. I knew this going in though, so I mostly expected to run into this problem. It seems like the most powerful CAM program I've ever seen, so hopefully it will be worth the trouble to become familiar with it in the end.

I am using X5.


i have started using mastercam recently and i am really confused by it. i was wondering if you would share the file you created for me, but i understand if you dont want to. i was hoping to see it so i could try to understand how you defined the material as well as how you drew all of the holes. i have done a few tutorials but for the most part i still dont get it.

also, i seem to be missing something i think, but mastercam also has cad? it doesnt look like very powerful cad unless im missing something, but i thought it was just cam. can you clarify this for me please?


Worked like a charm! Thank you so much.

How did you generate that file?

Running it now. I'll report back in a few minutes...

Forgot to attach the picture...

It looks like it is very close to correct. There is an offset at the beginning of the program that shouldn't be there as I have shown in the attached picture. The first hole should be at (0,0), but it is moving to (-4.3654, 4.5688) and then cutting the first hole. Also, I didn't let it run the entire time, but it looks like it is only cutting the top pocket on the first pass. Is that right? Will it come around again and cut the bottom pocket?

Also, here is a video of it running the tool path to demonstrate what I'm saying.

Pictures to make it clearer...


I will need to know what kind of machine you have in order to set deep of cut, feed and RPM.

It is a CNC router with a Hitachi M12VC as the spindle (8-25k RPM, set manually). It can rapid at 150ipm. I use 15ipm for plunge feed and 20ipm for cutting feed, which were never calculated but work fine.

What material, thickness.

3/4" MDF

Do you have a way to clear the chips when milling the small holes. 1/4 end mill for a .295 hole will be tough for the end mill if you do not clear chips from the hole(depend of material too)

I have sufficient dust collection I think. I've also cut these pockets using the code from the pocket wizard and it worked fine. My code cut the deep pocket in 2 passes if that helps at all.

Can you drill with you machine.

Yes, but I don't have the right size bits. It can plunge cut with a cc end mill just fine, though.

Is the "0" of the part is at the bottom right corner

Yes...sort of. The way I drew my picture (0,0) is at the bottom right and the X axis moves would all be negative. My table is bigger than what I drew, but I wanted to show where the actual holes should be. If you put the first hole at (0,0) I could line it up where I want it and then the other holes would all be in the right place.

When you say the second hole will be a through hole but stop at 0.005 from the bottom mean that you keep the end mill from going through the part.

Yes, that is correct. I did this with my test holes and there was a tiny piece of material left at the bottom that I could pop out with a screw driver. I don't want all the dust falling on my ballscrew.

If it would be easier I could call you or you could call me. Thanks.

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