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Messages - cyborgcnc

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Mach3 slows down with large gcode file?
« on: February 19, 2011, 09:18:35 AM »
Hi all,

I was doing some tests the other day, where i was using aspire to generate some gcode, with very small step overs.  This resulted in gcode files which had something like 400,000 lines of code or so....

Anyway, decided to load them into mach for some test cutting, and when i did that, the program became very sluggish and slow...when i began to jog my machine with this code loaded, i would hit say the x jog button, and the machine would respond 3 seconds later...

Is there some sort of a hard limit on the size of gcode, or maybe i need more memory or something?  Computer is a 2.4ghz machine, with 2gb ram, running a very stripped down version of windows xp...basically completely dedicated to mach..

Unloading the large gcode file, returned things to normal...

Any input or suggestions?  Has anyone else seen this?

Pages: 1