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Messages - GrayEyePhoto

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: Problems with Y-axis
« on: September 10, 2009, 06:52:25 PM »
That fixed that problem but now it's doing some really weird stuff. Jogging with the left and right keys (x-axis) moves the x DRO but the z motor is turning. I checked and double checked the ports and pins and everything is correct. When I flip the x and z ports and pins the z motor still turns. I created a new profile and just loaded my settings into it. Everything seems to work fine now.

Steven Gray

General Mach Discussion / Problems with Y-axis
« on: September 09, 2009, 09:39:55 PM »
I have been having problems jogging on my y-axis and can't figure out why. It will jog in either direction just fine but when you jog the other direction it moves .0001" and stops. After that none of the axis' will jog until I hit the reset button. Any ideas? I've attached the latest .xml file.

Steven Gray

Pages: 1