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Messages - mike_mccue

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: Mach III compared to "Max III"?
« on: July 06, 2009, 02:25:04 PM »
Thanks for the reply.

I spoke with someone at MaxNC this morning and they explained that they have made several parameter presets that are tailored to make it easier for matching the software to the MaxNC machines. They seemed accommodating and made me comfortable that as a MaxNC owner it was a good value to have purchased the MaxIII packaged version.

thanks again,

General Mach Discussion / Mach III compared to "Max III"?
« on: July 06, 2009, 11:11:03 AM »
I have a Max NC 10 CL that I hope to learn to use.

I ordered Max III a few days ago because I did not know that Artsoft made Mach III.

I can think of several reason why I might regret having purchased what appears to be a re-branded copy of Mach III? Does anyone know if a Max III customer benefits from Artsoft's Mach III support and possible updates?


Pages: 1