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Messages - Tom Byrd

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: Mach3 and mill set up
« on: March 21, 2006, 11:49:05 AM »
 I have setup 6 VMC's so far and all of them I consider the tool moving.  There has been no regrets or problems in the brain (on that issue!) but when I purchased a new Johnford VMC it was all in relation to the table movement! Thanks a lot Fanuc for the confusion!


Mach3 and G-Rex / Reading Inputs
« on: March 14, 2006, 11:43:00 AM »
There seems to be a little snaffoo with reading inputs.  My home inputs work fine for all six axis I'm using, but this code hangs:

     Code "g91g00 z-.52"
     Code "g04 p2."
     Code "g91g00 z.5"   

signal 18 is for Input 1 which shows on the screen just fine, but when I try to trigger something by it, it does nothing.  I've tried  reversing the "Active Low" check with no difference in results.  Maybe this isn't functional yet? Let me know, and I can work around it.   

I'm homing only X,Y,B,C.  The X and Y automatically ZERO, while the B and C don't, in fact won't.  When I try to change the DRO for the B and C, it reverts back to the previous numbers when I ENTER.  The only way I can get those two axis to cooperate is to exit the program then restart.  At this point it will allow me to change the #'s to ZERO.  Any Ideas?

     T. Byrd

General Mach Discussion / Re: Grex and Mach4
« on: January 23, 2006, 10:57:44 AM »

 I'm not quite sure what would constitute a ton, but here is what I do need:

6 step and direction outputs
5 of which need to have feedback (as I understand Grex will)
1 motor speed control
1 coolant
4 aux output
4 aux input
4 home switches

I wasn't sure how the plc would handle the real time step and direction speed... yada yada

I would like to seed what plc your refering to though if you think it will work.  I think the glitch will be the feed back on the encoders.  Does that seem right?  If worse comes to worse I would have to have at least 2 of the axis with feedback.  Maybe use servos on just the two?

 Tom Byrd

   I have a 800-441-2973 if it would expedite things

General Mach Discussion / Re: Grex and Mach4
« on: January 22, 2006, 09:37:45 PM »
Thanks for the reply, Brian.  Could you recommend the MC-01? What about the feedback of encoders on the steppers, and can I connect multiple modio's to get more IO?

           T. Byrd

General Mach Discussion / Grex and Mach4
« on: January 21, 2006, 12:45:20 PM »
I really need the quantity of IO that Grex or another modbus can
give. I also need the feedback from encoders, but would like to try
steppers with feedback. I already have the steppers with encoders
ordered (5-34 frame and 3-23 frame, one spare of each). Is the mach4
operable enough with the Grex to actually run a machine? As far as
safety issues, My machine travel is approx. 1" by 2" with a feed rate
of approx. 10 ipm or less and the entire setup totally enclosed. I
understand that the "end user" version of G100 is the same as the G101
+ G102, but do I need to wait for the software to possible become more
stable, therefore no hury since the G100 isn't actually shipping yet?
(No disrespect or digs intended)

anxiously waiting,

T. Byrd

Pages: 1