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Messages - g7bee

Pages: 1
General Mach Discussion / Re: Spindle control problem
« on: February 03, 2010, 07:33:13 AM »
Hi Hood

Thanks for the quick reply.
I did have one of the settings wrong, it has now been corected and everything looks good.
Thanks again for the support, I have found this is a very friendly and Knowlegable forum.



General Mach Discussion / Spindle control problem
« on: February 02, 2010, 09:31:23 AM »
Hi all,
I have a problem switching the spindle of my router on and off.
My router came with the control program called ‘WinPC-NC Economy’ but I did not find it very easy to use. I am now using ‘MACH 3’ and find it far better and easier to use but for one problem. ‘WinPC-NC Economy’ controlled the spindle start and stop fine on setting of port 1 pin 1 but when I set MACH 3 to the same setting, the spindle runs continuously so I have been switching the spindle on and off manually. I use the Flood setting to run the vacuum for swarf removal on a setting of port 1 pin 14 (the same as WinPC-NC Economy) and that is working fine so I must be overlooking something. Please could one of you experts tell me what it may be.
Thank you.


FAQs / Re: Mach 2 to Mach 3 upgrade problem
« on: January 03, 2009, 11:59:10 AM »


I tried again without success but then tried another download. The panic is over. The second download worked fine.



FAQs / Mach 2 to Mach 3 upgrade problem
« on: December 31, 2008, 12:02:30 PM »
I have a problem upgrading Mach 2 to Mach 3 and I would appreciate the help of anyone cleverer than I am that knows the answer to my problem.

I have two computers, one being the house computer attached to the internet and the other being my workshop computer attached to a CNC router and has no internet connection.

The workshop machine was running mach 2 OK but then I downloaded Mach 3 Version 3.042.020 to my house computer desktop and transferred the file to a pen drive and then transferred it to the C: drive of my workshop computer. Fine I thought, I am now ready for the upgrade. Silly me!!!
As usual, if it was not for bad luck I would have no luck at all.

What I got was what I think was a DOS Screen flash up very quickly and just as fast it disappeared but these old eyes of mine were unable to capture what the message said. I ran the program several times but missed the message every time. Right I said to my self, (I tend to do that at my age), maybe there is not enough disk space for it so I removed most of the programs from the hard disk. The drive is a 150 Gig drive and now has 125Gig free.

I tried again but got the same result.

In case anyone needs the spec. of my workshop machine, it is:-

CPU  AMD 1.1 GHz
Memory 256 Mb
HDD 150 Gb with 125 Gb free
Running Windows XP Pro SP2

Any help would be much appreciated.



Pages: 1