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Messages - rgoldner

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General Mach Discussion / Re: Mach 3 and 4th Axis
« on: July 02, 2010, 11:00:00 AM »
I see what you mean now and i was wondering about the manual as the one that downloaded with it was just for installing the program let me have another look.
Where are you country i mean

I'm in North Carolina in the US.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mach 3 and 4th Axis
« on: July 02, 2010, 10:35:55 AM »
It says that for all the Code files i try but i will send you it within the hour

Jim, I think you may be misunderstanding how the Indexer Wizards work. The Indexer Wizards allows you to specify what you want to do and then it creates the gcode file to run in Mach3. The only time you would load a gcode file into the Indexer Wizards is to make changes to gcode that was generated by the Indexer Wizards.

If you haven't already done so, please read the manual (available by clicking Help from the main menu). If you would like I can call you and we can discuss this. I can even connect to your machine and show you how to use the Indexer Wizards. Send me a private email if you would like to proceed with either of these options.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mach 3 and 4th Axis
« on: July 02, 2010, 09:16:55 AM »
Tried the program by Ritch and i keep getting a corrupt file on code i know is working so something wrong there also

Jim, please send me the file that is corrupt. I will examine it and see if I can figure out what is wrong. Please send it to my email (rgoldner AT iname DOTcom)  rather than the group.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mach 3 and 4th Axis
« on: July 02, 2010, 12:33:24 AM »
I will download your program today and see if i can get any joy from that one. I love these programs that dont cost the earth and give you a decent play time before buying. So here's hoping but i dont see why CNC wrapper cant do it or should i say I dont see how I cant get it to work.

Don't misunderstand me. CNC Wrapper is a good program and worth what it costs. I think my way of wrapping is a little more complete. However, the real power of the Indexer Wzards is how much more it can do besides wrapping and how easy it is to make changes. Try it. I'm sure you will like it.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mach 3 and 4th Axis
« on: July 02, 2010, 12:05:04 AM »
Just thought I would ask, I have seen it run that way and it looked simple enough. It ran just like you were working with xyz.

There are three things to do with a XYZ toolpath to effectively "Wrap" it around a rotary axis.

First is to change the relevant axis designations,

One way is as you have described, swap axis signal output.  As I said above there are other considerations when doing this.  They can be taken care of also, if you want to do a bit more fiddling.

Another way is you can use a text editor to swap axis names.  Also as described above.

There will be many other ways I can not think of right now.

Second thing is the output must be scaled to be correct on your given circumference.

This also can be done a myriad of ways. 

From scaling the original artwork before toolpath generation. to using Mach's scale axis feature, to going through the code with a calculator and scaling each position. (Yuck)

Adjust the axis steps per unit setting etc. etc. etc.  Choose your poison.  ;D

Thirdly the direction of output must be taken into account.

Many will simply set the rotary axis to run in the "other than conventional" direction.  Nothing wrong with that, you are the operator and can run it any way you wish.

I prefer to stay with convention, but that is just me.  :)

As I said above, I find a tool like CNCWrapper to be a great little utility.  A couple of clicks and all is taken care of.


Another program you may want to look at is the Indexer Wizards. This will take all of the above into account including calculating the correct feed rates. It also does much, much more then just wrapping. You may download a fully functional demo from my website:


The program will run full featured for seven days. After that if you like it you will have to buy a license ($100).

In full disclosure, if you haven't already figured it out, I am the author of the Indexer Wizards.

Fully functional demos of the Indexer Wizards are now available. Just go to my website (http://www.wizardsbyrich.embarqspace.com), click on the downloads menu item and download the demo. The demo will function for seven days. The Indexer Wizards will generate gcode that works with Mach3 or WinCNC. If you like the program you may purchase an unlock code at the same website. Send me an email and let me know what you think of the Indexer Wizards.

Rich Goldner

General Mach Discussion / Need inside info on KeyGrabber
« on: January 31, 2010, 11:07:05 PM »
I think Brian or Art can answer a question for me. I have a specific project using Mach3 that requires a program like KeyGrabber. KeyGrabber won't work for my needs so I will probably write my own program. The question is once I get a keystroke how do I send the translated keystroke to Mach3. I suspect it's done by posting a message (PostMessage function in Windows API). If so I need to know the message number and parameters to use. If it's not done with PostMessage I need to know how to do it.


General Mach Discussion / Interfacing Mach3 with my App
« on: January 22, 2010, 10:37:13 PM »
I not sure where this message belongs so I put it here. I hope that's ok.

I'm building an app that interfaces with Mach3 such that Mach3 and my App (an .EXE) appear to be one program. When Mach3 is terminated my App is also terminated (I use a plugin). The problem I am facing is that my app's window is always on top. When Mach3 terminates it puts out that are you sure message. The message can't be seen because my app's window is on top of it. Is there any way to get rid of it or programatically press the Ok button?

Promote and discuss your product / Re: New Wizards for Indexers
« on: August 28, 2009, 10:45:07 AM »
Confused, is it $75 ( no upgrades ? )  or $100 ( which includes upgrades and support ) .
Can't download the manual yet, but are therre any restrictions in the codeing inputs such that it can't be used for metal?
Will text be added in the future?

You can use the Indexer Wizards on any material you like. As long as your machine is using Mach3 it will work with any machine with a rotary axis. Text can be wrapped around a cylinder as easily as a carving. You can see an example of this in the gallery at my website.

Promote and discuss your product / Re: New Wizards for Indexers
« on: August 28, 2009, 10:42:48 AM »
Hey guys, I'm sorry for the download error. I may have to get a new web hosting company. If you will send me an email (rgoldner AT iname DOT com) i will send you the manual as soon as I see the email.

Rich, the price is $100 including free upgrades and support. The old price was $75, but I had to increase the price.

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