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Messages - corrie

Pages: 1
Hey all, new here. I have been using cnc machine for a few years now,home use only not as a profesion. I,m In Canada , Whitby ontario. I decided to join this forum for a few reasons. One being the amount of growing mach users and the cost factor of useing Mach software. As of right now I,m still useing CncPro which most of you know is DOS based,but not that happy with it and that is why i will switch over very soon. Why not switch over now you might be asking yourself, well for one I,m realy confused on which Pc is gonna work with Mach. I would hate to get stuck with a bunch of computers not being used. Anyway my hobbies are wood related ,such as building guitars, 3d carving and plain old driving the wife mad with always being in the shop L.O.L..I notice some of you from The Zone. Well i hope to gain some more insight from this software in the very near future and get my machine running to more than it is capable of doing now,cheers to all. :)

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