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Messages - Danny A

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General Mach Discussion / Re: Tangental control can it be better???
« on: June 25, 2008, 08:14:06 AM »

If I have the regular small line segment code generated by cam for the X, Y and Z do you think I could do a excell spread sheet and cut and past from note pad the code into excel which identifies the X and Y, does the calc and set a A axis code on the same line??

Sorry I no programmer, this is all I could come up with.

This is worth a try...in my experience, alot can be done with simple modifications to the code.  There are always several ways to do something so i would see what sort of results you get by doing hard calculations.

This is some basic stuff that i found helpful going back and forth between notepad and excell:
1) In notepad, the replace command is very good at removing text so you can deal with just the numbers.
    g01 x2 y2 ..... replace the x with nothing....now you can copy right into excell using spaces as delimiters and work with the numbers (this one saved me some time as i had a good 40-50 lines of code to deal with)
2) Try toggling your accelleration vs velocity settings in the motor tuning page...through trial and error, most harmonic vibrations can be eliminated...(it's just a time consuming process)

I know its basic but I hope somethin helps,
Good Luck!

-Danny A

General Mach Discussion / Re: homing my rotational axis
« on: June 23, 2008, 07:59:55 AM »
The work does not stop for the weekend on this website!
Thanks for all the comments guys...im excited over all the conversation on this topic.
I'm going to use my time today to try and set up the script scott has explained to see if we can do something about speeding up that a axis homing...

For those of you wanting to know a bit more about my situation...
At my work, we are designing a machine to apply a gasket to the outer edge of a baseplate...This gasket had been previously applied by hand with the operator complaining that it took more time to apply this gasket than to build the rest of the part!

We have the machine set up with a holder for the baseplate moving linear on the x axis and rotating on the a axis...
The gasket material is dispensed from a feeder on the b axis....
We have home positions on the x and a axis (ignoring the b axis)...
As of now...we have decided that all the g code must be programmed incrementally...in order to "trick the b axis" into continuously dispensing material without rollover------> This was a topic of discussion in another thread...(thanks brett for the solve)
My whole goal for proposing this new topic was to see if there was some sort of "shortest angular rotation" option one could use when homing....if discovering that this is not the case....

This basically leaves me with the task of speeding up the a axis homing through programming and setting changes....

As i said, i will take today to try and configure the setup to something that works for me....
I'll post my progress as it moves along...

I was definitely serious when i said this mach 3 forum has saved my job...as i probably would have gone the way of the gun toting postal worker had i not stumbled across this vault of information and problem solving minds!

I know the tutorial contains alot of helpful information about basic setup and operation...but i think the same could be acomplished in a single line---->"Please refer to machsupport.com"

Always learning,
Danny A  8)

General Mach Discussion / Re: homing my rotational axis
« on: June 20, 2008, 02:37:44 PM »
the axis in question is a stepper set at 22.222 steps (we calculated it to be about 220 and it is connected to a belt with a 1/10 conversion factor)

The velocity is set at 1300
The accelleration is set at 1000

This seems to make it run smoothly...
Everything is fully functional...I am just trying to get optimal results from my setup...
If I am forced to set the homing percentage to a lower value, that's perfectly acceptable...again, just curious as to the possibilities

Thanks Mach 3 Community for saving my job  ;)
-Danny A

General Mach Discussion / Re: homing my rotational axis
« on: June 20, 2008, 02:08:12 PM »
I am currently doing some research into the proposal scott sent me to try and set up my home switch....this will be a work in progress untill i can figure out what i'm doing....

Quick question for Hood...

I set up my home speed percentages for the a axis to be 100%...
It certainly does fly around  ;D
but...it is comming into that limit switch a bit too fast for comfort

Is there a way i can set it up so it homes at 100% untill i begin approaching the limit and then slows to a lesser percentage?

Is that what the slow zone setting is?

Always looking for reassurance.... :-\
-Danny A

General Mach Discussion / Re: homing my rotational axis
« on: June 20, 2008, 01:15:59 PM »
Thanks for the reply!
Some of that programming is definitely beyond my comprehension, but I am going to take some time to try and figure it out.

Just so i have a basic understanding of what you are doing....

Basically, you are adding a command which takes the current location (DRO) of the A axis and decides whether or not it has above or below the 180 degree point...

From here...another command will execute a shortest path move to the 5 degree point, where we can then home the axis..

2 Questions:
1) Do I have that concept correct?
2) Is this code to be added to my g-code or is this something im programming within the screen designer? (sorry for my ignorance in this area...I am new to Mach 3/CNC and am learning as i go....you have definitely given me nuts and bolts of the programming...i just dont have the background to understand where i am supposed to be putting these comments....a simple clarification for dummies would make my day)

Thanks again for taking time to help me out!
-Danny A

General Mach Discussion / Re: homing my rotational axis
« on: June 20, 2008, 08:44:42 AM »
Thanks Hood...totally did not think of that
That A axis was set at 30% so i was able to gain some speed by upping that value...

I was thinking about the way i have the homing switch set up....
It is configured to home in the reverse direction, and the limit switch is also configured for this setup...
I was thinking i might be able to reconfigure my limit switch and homing direction to always home positive, but this would in turn cause the same issue on a program which ended on a low angle like 20 degrees etc...

I guess my question is...is there any simple switch i can configure that performs the "shortest angular rotation on GO" but only on HOME?

If not i suppose i will just have to settle with toggling the percentages.

Thanks for the quick feedback, you guys are great!

-Danny A

General Mach Discussion / homing my rotational axis
« on: June 20, 2008, 08:18:42 AM »
Hello all,
I have been working on my machine...
x axis is linear
a axis is rotational
b axis is irrelevant as it has no limit switches
(basically movement only occuring in the x and a axis as the b axis is being used to dispense material)

my question is this...is it possible to make my a axis home in the shortest angular direction?

now i have the shortest angular rot on GO checked...and upon the m30 rewind...the a axis is moving the shortest route

but when i estop the process and press the home switch, it moves at a crawl in the long angular direction...

my goal is to try and speed up the whole homing process...

any ideas?

Danny A

General Mach Discussion / Re: Help with Offsets
« on: June 11, 2008, 12:27:36 PM »
Ok, so I revised my G code in 2 different ways based on the suggestions above.

A) In this fix, I programmed using absolute movements with the rotational rollover shut off.  This required continuing angular measurements beyond 360>>>a355 a360 a365 a370 etc...
This is a good fix, but does require changes to the home switch of the a axis which i am unsure of...

B) In this fix, I programmed using incremental movements....this also fixed the problem, and i was able to leave the rotational rollover option enabled....As a result i will probably use this as my permanent fix as opposed to reconfiguring the homing limits..

Using option B, i came across another question...
I set my code up like this for movements
g91 g01 a5 x1 b1
g91 g01 a5 x1.3 b0.7

My question comes about from the idea of the modal g code
The way i understand it, g90 and g91 are saying whatever follows this code will be in either absolute or incremental units...
So g91 g01 will say "move at feed rate in incremental units by......"
Is this right?
Also, do i have to repeat the g91 g01 for every move?
I found when i did not include the g01 command, the movement was very jerky....

Still Learning.....
Danny A

General Mach Discussion / Re: Help with Offsets
« on: June 10, 2008, 02:22:15 PM »

"Danny, Have you tried checking, unchecking Rot Rollover in general config. mid lower section of page?"

i have tried a dry run with the rotational rollover unchecked....this would be perfect except it also affects the a axis, which i want to reset at 360.....is there anyway to single out that rollover for just the b axis?

 **I realized before that i had dismissed this solution too readily....i went back and reprogramed my G code so the a axis angles continued beyond 360 and then shut off the rotational rollover>>>>SUCCESS!!

The only issue with this fix is an increased homing time....and since we are trying to set this up for mass production....I am still going to try for other alternatives, such as reprograming using incremental units....i'll keep you informed as to how its going, but thanks for the solution, its the first big break ive had in weeks

General Mach Discussion / Re: Help with Offsets
« on: June 10, 2008, 02:04:39 PM »

"Danny, Have you tried checking, unchecking Rot Rollover in general config. mid lower section of page?"

i have tried a dry run with the rotational rollover unchecked....this would be perfect except it also affects the a axis, which i want to reset at 360.....is there anyway to single out that rollover for just the b axis?

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