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Messages - K3HTK

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I use inches format and typically I get good results with a .01" step over. I base my step over on the size of my bit used to cut but find .01" is at least a good place to start and adjust as needed from there after a test run.


LazyCam (Beta) / Re: Adding another Layer or Entity from file?
« on: August 20, 2008, 08:37:51 AM »
Oh yeah, I also used BMP2CNC for the JPG file I am trying to combine with to generate the G-CODE for that part. So, now that I can have two G-CODE files, I will give Bills method a shot! :) Thanks Bill!

Chip, I hadn't forgot about you.... :) I would love to post what I am working on but it is something that I am putting together as a possible "product" related to an idea I am working on. I plan on sharing once I get my stuff together to protect my design and idea... :)

Thanks everyone! :) I really appreciate it the ideas and help.... Bill I will let you know how combining the G-CODE works out....


LazyCam (Beta) / Re: Adding another Layer or Entity from file?
« on: August 20, 2008, 08:33:14 AM »
I think I figured out a way, but I will definitely give Bill's way a shot as well.... I guess what I should do is correct one of my statements. I have a JPG and a DXF that I am trying to combine into one peice, not 2 DXFs. I can use Wintopo to take a Raster into a Vector and save as a DXF. So, here is what I did after spending several hours of playing around....

I combined the DXF and the JPG into one JPG file. Next I opened the JPG in Wintopo and figured out how to get the image vectored correctly. Then from Wintopo I saved the entire vector into a DXF file and opened with LCAM. I have not milled the peice yet, but I plan to try that tonight to see how it turns out.   

LazyCam (Beta) / Re: Adding another Layer or Entity from file?
« on: August 19, 2008, 11:40:52 AM »
Yeah, that would be a great feature! As I get familiar with LCAM I am really beginning to like it and I can't complain too much about free! Ha Ha!

The problem I am facing is that have two different designs I want to combine into one. I need to cut contour lines for one design and the other is the using the X Y sweep method. I am using Wintopo (great free utility!) to export my drawings into DXF format and using BMP2CNC to convert my JPGs to G-Code. Not knowing much about CAD and was trying to figure out how to import my jpg into AutoCAD correctly. Guess I had better start learning AutoCAD.....



LazyCam (Beta) / Adding another Layer or Entity from file?
« on: August 18, 2008, 07:59:30 PM »
Okay here goes.... I have two DXF files I want to merge into one LCAM project. I think I would add it as a new layer but I cannot seem to figure out how to add another layer.

I appreciate ay help one could provide..... :)



LazyCam (Beta) / Re: Help with importing JPG files.....
« on: August 15, 2008, 01:22:33 PM »
Okay I will give that a shot.... Thanks for the info! :)


LazyCam (Beta) / Help with importing JPG files.....
« on: August 15, 2008, 12:26:31 PM »
I am having a heck of a time getting jpg files to import into LazyCam and I am sure it is me being new to all this so sorry if this is redundant. I checked the posts everywhere and could not find examples or what I need to get this to work. I am sure once I get a little guidance on this I will be rock and rolling on it. I watched the tutorial video and have a basic understanding of things but it didn't help me with importing image files.

Basically could someone please help walk me through the process of importing an image? I tried it on my own but I keep seeing nothing in the preview window.

Here is what I am doing:

Starting with nothing open, I click the "Image File" icon, and select the file I am wanting to work on. The image processing window pops up and my image is in there. Then I have the options of choosing V-Drill, Raster XY, Raster YX, Spiral, and Image Trace/Raster->Vector.

I have selected nothing and see nothing on the screen. When I select Raster XY or any of the other besides Trace/Raster, I see the XY grid on the screen but no image of what I am working with.

Again sorry if this is a total newbie questions but I am lost on this.... I appreciate any help. I was using BMP2CNC which is easy but I need to do contour cutting and BMP2CNC just simply doesn't seem to be able to do that.



FAQs / Re: Help with Line Art for MACH3
« on: August 15, 2008, 11:12:46 AM »
Ha Ha! Sounds good.... I will post what I am trying to do and see what happens... Thanks! Hopefully I don't have to resort to th doughnut method! They ay be a little stale by the time they make to everyone..... Ha Ha!

FAQs / Re: Help with Line Art for MACH3
« on: August 15, 2008, 10:19:14 AM »

     I am using BMP2CNC to do my conversions from JPG to G-Code so I do not have a CAM program......Yet I guess... Ha Ha! Sounds like I need one to do what I am trying to accomplish. I tried using LazyCam which I am sure is great, but have not had good results. You have any suggestions?

Thanks again!


FAQs / Re: Help with Line Art for MACH3
« on: August 15, 2008, 09:23:57 AM »
Okay sounds good.... I am using MACH3 for controlling my mill. Is this a setting in a different peice of software like LazyCam or something?

Thanks again!


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