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Mach Discussion => Mach4 General Discussion => Topic started by: DAAD on March 06, 2020, 03:25:16 AM

Title: Avid cnc dual Z
Post by: DAAD on March 06, 2020, 03:25:16 AM

I've recently bought an avid pro cnc with dual Z.
One is setup with a spindle, the other is setup with a router on an extrenal relay (m07).
At the moment i 'cant swap between both Z axis propperly.

Anyone has an idea of howto tackle this in mach 4?

I see some options, but have never written any code... So this is my biggest hurdle.

Option 1: Tool number changes (1-99) / (100-200) from Z to A axis with an x/Y tool offset included
I suppose i need an adapted M6 tool change macro tha t get this done?

Option 2: Some kind of separate button inside mach 4, that arranges:
-Swap between Z and A axis
-Ofsetst the x/Y position
-Changes the M03 to M07 command
Run 2 separate Gcode files for different axis.

Input would be appreciated.
If someone can help me or knows someone who can help me to get this done, please get in touch.
It's for running in an commercial setting and i'm prepared to pay for a solution.

Thanks in advance,


Title: Re: Avid cnc dual Z
Post by: KatzYaakov on March 10, 2020, 03:10:09 AM
if its 2 separate servo axis button not help you
you must define it in M6 but this not only
because also yours gcode file should consider when use A also on file use a instead of z
or you can do some thing in lua that replace all  z with a
Title: Re: Avid cnc dual Z
Post by: smurph on March 10, 2020, 04:51:13 AM
mc.mcAxisMapMotor(MINSTANCE mInst, int axis_id, int motor_id)
mcAxisUnmapMotor(MINSTANCE mInst, int axis_id, int motor_id)

You will need to pay attention to your homing too as both will need to be homed.  I would use C axis (linear W) to home the router instead of A.  You might want a rotary A at some point.  Make sure the C axis is included in your homing order.

The default mapping should be done in the load script, as the Mach config will be changed to whatever the motor the Z axis had mapped last. 

So if your spindle is motor 3 and your router is motor 4, the load script should contain:
Code: [Select]
mc.mcAxisMapMotor(0, mc.Z_AXIS, 3)
mc.mcAxisMapMotor(0, mc.C_AXIS, 4)

You might want the make the home all button map the Z and C axes to their default motors too.  Lots of stuff to think about here...  :( 

When running, you can swap the Z axis to the different motors with some script. 

Code: [Select]
-- To change Z from spindle to router
mc.mcAxisUnmapMotor(0, mc.Z_AXIS, 3)
mc.mcAxisMapMotor(0, mc.Z_AXIS, 4)
mc.mcSetPoundVar(0, mc.SV_HEAD_SHIFT_X, <X offset from spindle Z>)
mc.mcSetPoundVar(0, mc.SV_HEAD_SHIFT_Y, <Y offset from spindle Z>)
mc.mcSignalSetState(0, mc.OSIG_OUTPUT10, 1) -- marking we are using the router as Z (and possibly energize a SPDT to rout the M3 signal).
-- To change Z from router to spindle
mc.mcAxisUnmapMotor(0, mc.Z_AXIS, 4)
mc.mcAxisMapMotor(0, mc.Z_AXIS, 3)
mc.mcSetPoundVar(0, mc.SV_HEAD_SHIFT_X, 0)
mc.mcSetPoundVar(0, mcSV_HEAD_SHIFT_Y, 0)
mc.mcSignalSetState(0, mcOSIG_OUTPUT10, 0) -- marking we are using the spindle as Z (and possibly de-energize a SPDT to route the M3 signal).

This solution would probably be well served being written as a LUA module.  That way, screen scripts can call it and M codes can call it too. 

 I would also think about making M3 and M5 a script that energizes/de-energizes the appropriate relay to turn the spindle/router on/off depending on which is currently mapped to the Z axis.  I would probably do this with a SPDT relay wired to an output that is asserted when using the router commented above).  Sometimes it is better to do things in hardware...

Here is an example lua module to get you started.  I coded it up quickly and for brevity it does NOT check all of the API return codes.  Which you should do!!

Code: [Select]
local zControl = {
DESC = "Sample Z motor control module."

local spindle = 3
local router = 4
local routerOffsetX = 6.500
local routerOffsetY = -3.500

---  This can be called, if needed, but it is more of a utility function for the below module functions.
function zControl.UnmapMotors()
--Just unmapp everything to be safe.
local rc = mc.mcAxisUnmapMotor(0, mc.C_AXIS, router)
if ((rc ~= mc.MERROR_MOTOR_NOT_FOUND) and (rc ~= mc.MERROR_NOERROR)) then
return 1 -- failure
rc = mc.mcAxisUnmapMotor(0, mc.Z_AXIS, router)
if ((rc ~= mc.MERROR_MOTOR_NOT_FOUND) and (rc ~= mc.MERROR_NOERROR)) then
return 1 -- failure
rc = mc.mcAxisUnmapMotor(0, mc.Z_AXIS, spindle)
if ((rc ~= mc.MERROR_MOTOR_NOT_FOUND) and (rc ~= mc.MERROR_NOERROR)) then
return 1 -- failure
return 0 -- success

---  Call this function to use the spindle on the Z axis.
function zControl.UseSpindle()
if (zControl.UnmapMotors()) then
return 1 -- failure
mc.mcAxisMapMotor(0, mc.Z_AXIS, spindle)
mc.mcSetPoundVar(0, mc.SV_HEAD_SHIFT_X, 0)
mc.mcSetPoundVar(0, mcSV_HEAD_SHIFT_Y, 0)
-- marking we are using the spindle as Z (and possibly de-energize a SPDT to route the M3
mc.mcSignalSetState(0, mc.OSIG_OUTPUT10, 0)
return 0 -- success

---  Call this function to use the spindle on the Z axis.
function zControl.UseRouter()
mc.mcAxisMapMotor(0, mc.Z_AXIS, router)
mc.mcSetPoundVar(0, mc.SV_HEAD_SHIFT_X, routerOffsetX)
mc.mcSetPoundVar(0, mcSV_HEAD_SHIFT_Y, routerOffsetY)
marking we are using the router as Z (and possibly de-energize a SPDT to route the M3
mc.mcSignalSetState(0, mc.OSIG_OUTPUT10, 1)
return 0 -- success

---  This function probably should be called by the home all button script and the screen load script.
function zControl.DefaultMotors()
if (zControl.UseSpindle()) then
return 1 -- failure
if (mc.mcAxisMapMotor(0, mc.C_AXIS, router) ~= mc.MERROR_NOERROR) then
return 1 -- failure
return 0 -- success

return zControl

This is definitely advanced stuff and you are going to have to make this all work yourself.  Because nobody is going to have a machine that is setup exactly like yours, etc...  It is going to take some learning and patience.  But it can be done. 

Title: Re: Avid cnc dual Z
Post by: DAAD on March 10, 2020, 07:30:02 AM
Thanks for taking the time to reply!

Advanced stuff for sure! Will take my time and try to get my head around...

Title: Re: Avid cnc dual Z
Post by: DAAD on March 14, 2020, 02:54:10 PM
Tried to read up on lua code this week and took some time this afternoon to fiddle with the axis mapping.

After some trial and error i've got a working button to swap the axis and the headoffest! YAY!!

For future reference see my code attached:

Code: [Select]
-- To change Z from spindle to router
mc.mcAxisUnmapMotor(0, mc.Z_AXIS, 2)
mc.mcAxisUnmapMotor(0, mc.A_AXIS, 4)
mc.mcAxisMapMotor(0, mc.Z_AXIS, 4)
mc.mcAxisMapMotor(0, mc.A_AXIS, 2)
mc.mcCntlSetPoundVar(0, mc.SV_HEAD_SHIFT_X, -7.8007)
mc.mcCntlSetPoundVar(0, mc.SV_HEAD_SHIFT_Y, -157.7648)
mc.mcSignalSetState(0, mc.OSIG_OUTPUT10, 1) -- marking we are using the router as Z (and possibly energize a SPDT to rout the M3 signal).

Next step would be to get this into a macro.
I've tried to setup an m230 macro for this one, but i can't get it working.
Someone that can set me in the right direction to get this macro functional?

This way i would be able to load it trough my postprocessor

@Steve, many thanks for the provided code, without i would not have pulled this off.

Next week i will check the other code, and try to get the m3 / m7 swap (spindle/router).
But for now i'm happy that both Z's are alive!!


Title: Re: Avid cnc dual Z
Post by: DAAD on March 15, 2020, 03:40:22 PM
Something i didn't notice yesterday is that when i zero The Z axis and do a swap, only the last Zero position is held.

I should need something so when i Zero Z ands swap axis (A becomes Z) the Zero value for the Z gets saved onto the axis i've zeroed.
If i then Zero the second Z axis (A) the original value stays linked to the original Z. Same things should happen when i swap from A to Z (Zero A gets saved onto A axis). This way when a toolchange comes, i don't need to rezero the tool height every time.

Any idea howto get this working? At the moment i have a button for axisswap and x/Y position, if i hade a solution for this one, i can use the second z axis in a basic form for now. I would use 2 postprocessors to use spindle or router at whilst trying to sort the rest out.

At the end i would like to have some macro's that automatically call an axis swap/tool swap. This way minimal effort would be used to have 2 tools available.
I'm mostly making cabinets for a living...

Thanks for the input.

Title: Re: Avid cnc dual Z
Post by: DAAD on March 22, 2020, 03:09:25 PM
A new update,

Got some time to get the dro values swap with spindle selected.
Next to implement is to get the correct output signals to choose between router and spindle.

Code below (in it's basic state) as i'm still figuring out howto write a working function... (my damned brain can't still find the logic...)

Code: [Select]
-- To change Z from spindle to router
mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait (0, "G90 G53 Z-50 A-50") --Both spindles in known position
local pVal = mc.mcCntlGetPoundVar(0, mc.SV_CURRENT_ABS_Z) -- Get work position of Z-Axis and put in local var P
local tVal = mc.mcCntlGetPoundVar(0, mc.SV_CURRENT_ABS_A) -- Get work position of A-Axis and put in local var T
mc.mcAxisUnmapMotor(0, mc.Z_AXIS, 2)
mc.mcAxisUnmapMotor(0, mc.A_AXIS, 4)
mc.mcAxisMapMotor(0, mc.Z_AXIS, 4)
mc.mcAxisMapMotor(0, mc.A_AXIS, 2)
mc.mcCntlSetPoundVar(0, mc.SV_HEAD_SHIFT_X, -7.8007)
mc.mcCntlSetPoundVar(0, mc.SV_HEAD_SHIFT_Y, -157.7648)
mc.mcAxisSetPos(0, 3, pVal) ---Set Z Axis op A waarde
mc.mcAxisSetPos(0, 2, tVal) ---Set A Axis op Z waarde
mc.mcSignalSetState(0, mc.OSIG_OUTPUT10, 1) -- marking we are using the router as Z (and possibly energize a SPDT to rout the M3 signal).

All input welcome,

Thanks for the help received yet!

Title: Re: Avid cnc dual Z
Post by: DAAD on April 02, 2020, 02:25:41 PM
Working screen button to swap functions between router and spindle:

Code: [Select]
-- To change Z from spindle to router
local OffsetX = -7.9266
local OffsetY = -156.5752
local Spindle = 2
local Router = 4

mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait (0, "G0 G90 G53 Z-20 A-20\n X"..OffsetX.."Y"..OffsetY.."") --Both spindles in known position

UnmapMotors() --Function in screen script

mc.mcAxisMapMotor(0, mc.Z_AXIS, Router)
mc.mcAxisMapMotor(0, mc.A_AXIS, Spindle)

mc.mcCntlSetPoundVar(0, mc.SV_HEAD_SHIFT_X, OffsetX)
mc.mcCntlSetPoundVar(0, mc.SV_HEAD_SHIFT_Y, OffsetY )

local TempZ = mc.mcAxisGetPos (inst, 2) -- Get work position of Z-Axis
local TempA = mc.mcAxisGetPos (inst, 3) -- Get work position of A-Axis
mc.mcAxisSetPos(0, 3, TempZ) -- Replace A-axis value with Z value
mc.mcAxisSetPos(0, 2, TempA) -- Replace Z-axis value with A value

local h_OUTPUT10 = mc.mcSignalGetHandle(inst, mc.OSIG_OUTPUT10)
    mc.mcSignalSetState (h_OUTPUT10, 1) -- From M3 to M8
Title: Re: Avid cnc dual Z
Post by: DAAD on April 06, 2020, 07:44:59 AM
Finall trying to get all info into a module as Steve suggested but can't get it working.

Done the following steps:

1) added this script to the screen script to load the module.
Code: [Select]
--Zcontrol module
package.loaded.zControl = nil
zc = require "MyzControl"

2) MyzControl.lua file added to /modules/avidCNC directory

Code: [Select]
--Check tool & set corresponding axis
--Motor 2 = Z
--Motor 4 = A
--Axis 2 = Z
--Axis 3 =A

local zControl = {}
local inst = mc.mcGetInstance -- Needed?
--local profile = mc.mcProfileGetName(inst)
--local path = mc.mcCntlGetMachDir(inst)

local OffsetX = -7.9266
local OffsetY = -156.5752
local Spindle = 2
local Router = 4

---  This can be called, if needed, but it is more of a utility function for the below module functions.

function zControl.UnmapMotors()
--Just unmapp everything to be safe.
local rc = mc.mcAxisUnmapMotor(0, mc.A_AXIS, Router)
if ((rc ~= mc.MERROR_MOTOR_NOT_FOUND) and (rc ~= mc.MERROR_NOERROR)) then
return 1 -- failure
rc = mc.mcAxisUnmapMotor(0, mc.Z_AXIS, Router)
if ((rc ~= mc.MERROR_MOTOR_NOT_FOUND) and (rc ~= mc.MERROR_NOERROR)) then
return 1 -- failure
rc = mc.mcAxisUnmapMotor(0, mc.A_AXIS, Spindle)
if ((rc ~= mc.MERROR_MOTOR_NOT_FOUND) and (rc ~= mc.MERROR_NOERROR)) then
return 1 -- failure
rc = mc.mcAxisUnmapMotor(0, mc.Z_AXIS, Spindle)
if ((rc ~= mc.MERROR_MOTOR_NOT_FOUND) and (rc ~= mc.MERROR_NOERROR)) then
return 1 -- failure
return 0 -- success
--Test function message
function zControl.zMessage(msg)

--- Call this function to swap Z&A values DRO.
function zControl.SwapPosZA()
local TempZ = mc.mcAxisGetPos (inst, 2) -- Get work position of Z-Axis
local TempA = mc.mcAxisGetPos (inst, 3) -- Get work position of A-Axis
mc.mcAxisSetPos(0, 3, TempZ) -- Replace A-axis value with Z value
mc.mcAxisSetPos(0, 2, TempA) -- Replace Z-axis value with A value
--return 0 -- succes?

---  Call this function to use the spindle on the Z axis.
function zControl.UseSpindle()
if (zControl.UnmapMotors()) then
return 1 -- failure
mc.mcAxisMapMotor(0, mc.Z_AXIS, Spindle)
mc.mcAxisMapMotor(0, mc.A_AXIS, Router)
mc.mcCntlSetPoundVar(0, mc.SV_HEAD_SHIFT_X, 0)
mc.mcCntlSetPoundVar(0, mc.SV_HEAD_SHIFT_Y, 0)
local h_OUTPUT10 = mc.mcSignalGetHandle(inst, mc.OSIG_OUTPUT10)
mc.mcSignalSetState(h_OUTPUT10, 0)
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, 'm3 spindle signal ON') -- This will send a history / error window message
-- mc.mcCntlSetLogging(inst, 'm110() Turned OUTPUT10 ON') -- This will send a log window message
return 0 -- success

---  Call this function to use the router on the Z axis.
function zControl.UseRouter()
if zControl.UnmapMotors() then
return 1 --failure
mc.mcAxisMapMotor(0, mc.Z_AXIS, Router)
mc.mcAxisMapMotor(0, mc.A_AXIS, Spindle)
mc.mcCntlSetPoundVar(0, mc.SV_HEAD_SHIFT_X, OffsetX)
mc.mcCntlSetPoundVar(0, mc.SV_HEAD_SHIFT_Y, OffsetY)
local h_OUTPUT10 = mc.mcSignalGetHandle(inst, mc.OSIG_OUTPUT10)
mc.mcSignalSetState(h_OUTPUT10, 1)
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, 'm8 router signal ON') -- This will send a history / error window message
return 0 -- success

---  This function probably should be called by the home all button script and the screen load script.
--[[function zControl.DefaultMotors()
if zControl.UseSpindle() then
return 1 -- failure
if (mc.mcAxisMapMotor(0, mc.A_AXIS, Router) ~= mc.MERROR_NOERROR) then
return 1 -- failure
return 0 -- success

return zControl

3) Made a test macro M5001 and it seems to work if i call the zMessage function (message pops up) but all other functions i can't call.

[/code]function m5001() --test module function
local inst = mc.mcGetInstance()

package.path = wx.wxGetCwd() .. "\\Modules\\AvidCNC\\?.lua"
zc = require "MyzControl"
--if zc == nill then
--   wx.wxMessageBox (zc==nil)
--zc.zMessage('test hello')

if (mc.mcInEditor() == 1) then

All pointers are welcome.

Title: Re: Avid cnc dual Z
Post by: DAAD on April 17, 2020, 11:52:35 AM
With the help of the forum and after spending many many hours reading the API docs and trying to grasp how to code i finally arrived at a script that is working for the moment.  !!! Huray!!!

I've made a module with all the needed functions includes so they can be called from within a button or marco.
I've also set up an m6 macro for my needs. This relies on only needing 2 tools at a time. Before running the code the Z and A axis needs to be zeroed, after that switching between spindle and router follows the tools demanded.

There is a toggle button + led indicating router or spindle active + output for M3/m8. This still does not work after returning out of an m6. The button can be in the wrong state despite asking in the code to check the signal and changing screen propperties.

What could be better is including more API return codes, but this is something that i still struggle with, if anyone has pointers of how to get this better/safer help is appreciated.

Lastly i have the same spindle script included into the screen unload script so when staring mach 4, the spindle is automatically set to normal state. This is working 8/10 and sometimes does not change the router back to spindle. The reason why i want to do this before closing the program is so that the Z and A axis dro don't get screwed up, and the previous values can be used after a restart/home procedure.

All comment are welcome, and for anybody that has helped me out this far many thanks!

Codes below:

Code: [Select]
local zControl = {} --Control for dual head setup & button functions
local inst = mc.mcGetInstance("MyzControl.lua")

-----------Variables List--------------------------------------------
local OffsetX = -7.9266 --Spindle vs router position
local OffsetY = -156.5752 --Spindle vs router position
local ToolSet = -12.8 -- Toolsetplate vs machine bed position
--local OffsetMBX = (80 + OffsetX) --used when need offset to spindle calc variable
--local OffsetMBY = (200 + OffsetY) --used when need offset to router calc variable
local Spindle = 2 -- motor 2
local Router = 4 -- motor 4

---------------Gcode Use in macro M6-----------------------------------
function zControl.CallGcodeMacro() -- Checks if gcode gets executed before running the rest of the script
local rc = mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait (inst,"G90 G53 G0 Z-20 A-20")
if rc~=0 then
mc.mcCntlEnable(inst, false)
mc.mcCntlSetLastError (inst, "Something whent wrong when executing gcode / machine disabled for safety. error state "..rc)

---------------Gcode Use in button Spindle / router---------------------
function zControl.CallGcodeButton() -- Checks if gcode gets executed before running the rest of the script
local rc = mc.mcCntlGcodeExecute (inst,"G00 G90 G53 G0 Z-20 A-20\n G90 X0 Y0 \n")
if rc~=0 then
mc.mcCntlEnable(inst, false)
mc.mcCntlSetLastError (inst, "Something whent wrong when executing gcode / machine disabled for safety. error state "..rc)

---------------Goto machine bed & probe button ----------------------------------------------------
function zControl.ProbeMBZ()
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, "Goto machine bed probe point")
local val = mc.mcCntlGetPoundVar(inst, mc.SV_MOD_GROUP_14) --PoundVar 4014 coordinates sytem
local msg = "G00 G90 G53 Z-20 A-20\n G59 X0 Y0\nG"..val--Use G59 as workpiece zero, return to current fixture offset
mc.mcCntlGcodeExecute(inst, msg) --Use G59 as workpiece zero for position Return to G54
wx.wxMessageBox("Load the correct tool & lower the bit within 50mm before probing. Attach the MAGNET!!!","If not abort",16)
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, "Probing in progress!")
mc.mcCntlGcodeExecuteWait(inst,"G91 G31 Z-50 F200")
--local ToolSet = -12.8 -- Toolset plate difference machine bed / plate
mc.mcAxisSetPos(inst, mc.Z_AXIS, ToolSet)
mc.mcCntlGcodeExecute(inst,"G00 G90 G53 Z-20")

-----------------If spindle is loaded do nothing / eliminate DRO Swap---------------------------------
function zControl.CheckSpindle()
local axisID, rc = mc.mcMotorGetAxis(inst,Spindle) --Z axis maakt deel uit van variable rc om return code te bekomen
local h_OUTPUT4 = mc.mcSignalGetHandle(inst, mc.OSIG_OUTPUT4)
local state = mc.mcSignalGetState(h_OUTPUT4)

if ((axisID == mc.Z_AXIS) and (state == 1) and (rc==mc.MERROR_NOERROR)) then --If Zaxis is loaded with motor 2 spindle is active
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, "Spindle already active, No swap required")
--scr.SetProperty('togRouterSpindle', 'Button State', '0')
else zControl.UseSpindle()

-----------------If router is loaded do nothing / eliminate DRO Swap---------------------------------
function zControl.CheckRouter()
local axisID, rc = mc.mcMotorGetAxis(inst,Router) --Z axis maakt deel uit van variable rc om return code te bekomen
local h_OUTPUT4 = mc.mcSignalGetHandle(inst, mc.OSIG_OUTPUT4)
local state = mc.mcSignalGetState(h_OUTPUT4)

if ((axisID == mc.Z_AXIS) and (state == 0)and (rc==mc.MERROR_NOERROR)) then  --If Zaxis is loaded with motor 4 router is active
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, "Router already active, No swap required")
--scr.SetProperty('togRouterSpindle', 'Button State', '1')
else zControl.UseRouter()

---------------------Setup spindle on Z axis / Activate M03 / Swap Workpiece DRO / Check states-------
function zControl.UseSpindle()

if (zControl.UnmapMotors() == 1) then --Return out of UseRouter if unmapmotors returns an error
return 1 -- failure

mc.mcAxisMapMotor(inst, mc.Z_AXIS, Spindle)
mc.mcAxisMapMotor(inst, mc.A_AXIS, Router)
mc.mcCntlSetPoundVar(inst, mc.SV_HEAD_SHIFT_X, 0)
mc.mcCntlSetPoundVar(inst, mc.SV_HEAD_SHIFT_Y, 0)
local TempZ = mc.mcAxisGetPos(inst, mc.Z_AXIS) -- Get work position of Z-Axis
local TempA = mc.mcAxisGetPos(inst, mc.A_AXIS) -- Get work position of A-Axis
mc.mcAxisSetPos(inst, mc.A_AXIS, TempZ) -- Replace A-axis value with Z value
mc.mcAxisSetPos(inst, mc.Z_AXIS, TempA) -- Replace Z-axis value with A value
local h_OUTPUT4 = mc.mcSignalGetHandle(inst, mc.OSIG_OUTPUT4)
--local h_RELAY2 = mc.mcSignalGetHandle(inst, mc.OSIG_MISTON) --Future dust collection
mc.mcSignalSetState(h_OUTPUT4, 1)
--mc.mcSignalSetState(h_RELAY2, 1) --Future dust collection

local axisID, rc = mc.mcMotorGetAxis(inst,Spindle) --Z axis maakt deel uit van variable rc om return code te bekomen
local state = mc.mcSignalGetState(h_OUTPUT4)
if ((axisID == mc.Z_AXIS) and (state == 1) and (rc==mc.MERROR_NOERROR)) then
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, 'Spindle active - Output set')
scr.SetProperty('togRouterSpindle', 'Button State', tostring(0))
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, "Spindle or output not activated / process stopped")
mc.mcCntlEnable (inst, false)

---------------------Setup router on Z axis / Activate M08 / Swap Workpiece DRO / Check states-------
function zControl.UseRouter()
if (zControl.UnmapMotors() == 1) then  --Return out of UseRouter if unmapmotors returns an error
return 1 --failure

mc.mcAxisMapMotor(inst, mc.Z_AXIS, Router)
mc.mcAxisMapMotor(inst, mc.A_AXIS, Spindle)
mc.mcCntlSetPoundVar(inst, mc.SV_HEAD_SHIFT_X, OffsetX)
mc.mcCntlSetPoundVar(inst, mc.SV_HEAD_SHIFT_Y, OffsetY)
local TempZ = mc.mcAxisGetPos(inst, mc.Z_AXIS) -- Get work position of Z-Axis
local TempA = mc.mcAxisGetPos(inst, mc.A_AXIS) -- Get work position of A-Axis
mc.mcAxisSetPos(inst, mc.A_AXIS, TempZ) -- Replace A-axis value with Z value
mc.mcAxisSetPos(inst, mc.Z_AXIS, TempA) -- Replace Z-axis value with A value
local h_OUTPUT4 = mc.mcSignalGetHandle(inst, mc.OSIG_OUTPUT4)
mc.mcSignalSetState(h_OUTPUT4, 0)
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, 'Router active')

local axisID, rc = mc.mcMotorGetAxis(inst,Router) --Z axis maakt deel uit van variable rc om return code te bekomen
local state = mc.mcSignalGetState(h_OUTPUT4)
if ((axisID == mc.Z_AXIS) and (state == 0)and (rc==mc.MERROR_NOERROR)) then
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, 'Router active - Output set')
scr.SetProperty('togRouterSpindle', 'Button State', tostring(1))

mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, "Router or output not activated / process stopped")
mc.mcCntlEnable (inst, false)

----------------Unmap motors to be safe----------------------------------
function zControl.UnmapMotors()
local rc = mc.mcAxisUnmapMotor(inst, mc.A_AXIS, Router)
if ((rc ~= mc.MERROR_MOTOR_NOT_FOUND) and (rc ~= mc.MERROR_NOERROR)) then
return 1 -- failure
rc = mc.mcAxisUnmapMotor(inst, mc.Z_AXIS, Router)
if ((rc ~= mc.MERROR_MOTOR_NOT_FOUND) and (rc ~= mc.MERROR_NOERROR)) then
return 1 -- failure
rc = mc.mcAxisUnmapMotor(inst, mc.A_AXIS, Spindle)
if ((rc ~= mc.MERROR_MOTOR_NOT_FOUND) and (rc ~= mc.MERROR_NOERROR)) then
return 1 -- failure
rc = mc.mcAxisUnmapMotor(inst, mc.Z_AXIS, Spindle)
if ((rc ~= mc.MERROR_MOTOR_NOT_FOUND) and (rc ~= mc.MERROR_NOERROR)) then
return 1 -- failure
return 0 -- success

Code: [Select]
function m6() --Dual Head

local inst = mc.mcGetInstance()
local SelectedTool = mc.mcToolGetSelected(inst)
SelectedTool = math.tointeger(SelectedTool)
local CurrentTool = mc.mcToolGetCurrent(inst)
CurrentTool = math.tointeger(CurrentTool)
package.path = wx.wxGetCwd() .. "\\Modules\\AvidCNC\\?.lua"
zc = require "MyzControl"

if ((SelectedTool >=1) and (SelectedTool <=99)) then

mc.mcToolSetCurrent(inst, SelectedTool)

elseif ((SelectedTool >=100) and (SelectedTool <=150))then

mc.mcToolSetCurrent(inst, SelectedTool)


------------------Remarks ----------------------------------
--[[if selectedTool == currentTool then
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, "Current tool == Selected tool so there is nothing to do")]] --Unused always needs to check Spindle or router activation


if (mc.mcInEditor() == 1) then

Code: [Select]
added to the screen unload script
Title: Re: Avid cnc dual Z
Post by: TimmyJ on November 26, 2022, 12:14:03 PM
I'm not surprised to see the lack of feedback on your issue. Apparently, this is more complex than I think it should be as well. I am also trying to setup my 2nd Z axis and finding information on how to accomplish this has been a challenging task. This thread has been the most insightful so far. Have you figured this out yet? Seems to me there should be an option in Vcarve pro for a dual z axis setup, but I have only found options for a rotary axis. Confusing how a dual Z isn't more popular. I have an ATC spindle with a 10 tool changer and I still feel the inefficiencies with the tool change process that could be improved with the added Z. I find myself in your shoes- a woodworker learning a new complex tool that requires me to learn a whole new skillset that takes people years in school to master- computer programming. Just shows that the software programs are still in an infancy state and have a way to go to make it so the common man can easily use the machines.

I have an Avid Pro 5x10 with a cncdepot s30C spindle FYI. If you have tackled this, which I assume you have in the last couple of years, I would appreciate your insight.
Thank you.
Title: Re: Avid cnc dual Z
Post by: smurph on November 29, 2022, 03:59:34 PM
Confusing how a dual Z isn't more popular.
What percentage of the router market do you think has dual spindles?  It basically turns a complex machine into a SUPER complex machine.  If it were easy, I would guarantee they would be more popular.   

I find myself in your shoes- a woodworker learning a new complex tool that requires me to learn a whole new skillset that takes people years in school to master- computer programming. Just shows that the software programs are still in an infancy state and have a way to go to make it so the common man can easily use the machines.
I have to disagree here.  You are not just wanting to use this machine.  You are wanting to make an improvement to increase your machine's performance.  Most likely, you can easily use you machine as it is but it just takes longer than you wish.  So there is a subtlety here that makes a huge difference.  So to be honest with yourself, what you are really saying is you are wishing there was an easy way that the common man can improve the machine's performance by altering its design.  Right?   ;D

Well, there's nothing wrong with wishing that.  But unfortunately, doing that is gonna require some programming.  And possibly electrical wiring too.  There is only one Z, one S, and one T in G code so you have to consider all of those implications for dual spindles.  Software configuration will only carry you so far once the machine gets our of the more or less "standard" category.

And finally, don't let programming deter you.  I too consider myself a common man.  Like you, I try to find ways to optimize my work, machines, and processes, etc...  It just makes sense.   And also because I will freely admit that I'm a rather lazy man too. :D  The old saying of "work smarter, not harder" comes to mind.  Oh, and I'm dyslexic too so maybe I'm not so common.  LOL  And I will say this as an ex auto mechanic, the very reason I learned to program was to make my life easier.  I had a service station (remember those?) and decided I needed to write my own inventory control software.  And back then there wasn't much software that you could even buy!  No school, no internet, I just stuck my nose in a book, read it over and over, and did the trial and error thing over and over too.  Mostly error, BTW.  ;) However, within 6 months, I had my inventory program.  Note that I didn't master programming in that time though!  But you don't have to master programming to solve a problem.  I would say most people never master programming unless they go on to make a career out of it.  Adam (DAAD) probably hasn't mastered programming but he sure did solve his problem.

The information I gave Adam was very generic (because his machine was going to be different) and should also apply to your machine as well.  Then take a look at his implementation and see how he applied that generic stuff.   Even though your machine will probably be different, It will probably give you a leg up to the right path. 

Title: Re: Avid cnc dual Z
Post by: Bill_O on November 29, 2022, 04:39:49 PM

The programming is not as bad as it first appears.
I am not a programmer either and it took me a while to understand.
I made this to help other non programmers.
it should give you a good starting point.;topic=43260.0;attach=54239

Title: Re: Avid cnc dual Z
Post by: KatzYaakov on November 29, 2022, 04:52:03 PM
take a look
its double z, double y ,Atc, Rotate axiss
all this mach4
Title: Re: Avid cnc dual Z
Post by: KatzYaakov on November 29, 2022, 04:54:23 PM
this machine was our last decision to stop produce in china(imagine we test this machine by team viewer because corona)

Title: Re: Avid cnc dual Z
Post by: smurph on November 29, 2022, 05:37:18 PM

The programming is not as bad as it first appears.
I am not a programmer either and it took me a while to understand.
I made this to help other non programmers.
it should give you a good starting point.;topic=43260.0;attach=54239

I'm glad you posted that, Bill.  You did a fine cliff notes++ there!  I thought I had bookmarked that thread and I guess I must have deleted it accidently.  I have too many bookmarks...  LOL
take a look
its double z, double y ,Atc, Rotate axiss
all this mach4
That is an impressive machine!!!