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General CNC Chat => Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) => Topic started by: bladerunner on April 13, 2009, 10:47:33 AM

Title: BladeRunner
Post by: bladerunner on April 13, 2009, 10:47:33 AM
Greetings from OZ!
just finnished creating my own Router...its my own design out of my head made from ideas from all over the world..ive called it BLADERUNNER..took me 14 days to construct pretty much more than 12 hours a day and about $3000.00 australian to build...
i was intersted in building the "Mechmate" but was blown off by the owner as i wanted that design but on a smaller scale,he told me to go look on the net for designs as there where lots out kidding mate ..LOTS OUT instead of wasting time i just built it one part at a time and let the next part decide how i connect the nextt and so on...well im really chuffed and the tunning is going well and the specs really good...i hope to creat many Rc Planes and Heli parts with this machine.
the bluetooth is my handheld remote controler made by logictec called the Dinova mini

yes yes i know the table is wobbly...thats the next plan he he he

Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: GAWnCA on April 13, 2009, 11:00:54 AM
Greetings from OZ!
just finnished creating my own Router...its my own design out of my head made from ideas from all over the world..ive called it BLADERUNNER..took me 14 days to construct pretty much more than 12 hours a day and about $3000.00 australian to build...
i was intersted in building the "Mechmate" but was blown off by the owner as i wanted that design but on a smaller scale,he told me to go look on the net for designs as there where lots out kidding mate ..LOTS OUT instead of wasting time i just built it one part at a time and let the next part decide how i connect the nextt and so on...well im really chuffed and the tunning is going well and the specs really good...i hope to creat many Rc Planes and Heli parts with this machine




That looks pretty darn cool if you ask me.  I'm trying to figure out how that motor on top of the "Z" axis works though.  Is it the "Y" axis drive running on a toothed rail?

Yeah that guy with the Mechmate is a jerk.  He doesn't like anyone who isn't a purest.  I like your design much better.  I'd be interested in building one too.

Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: Overloaded on April 13, 2009, 11:01:26 AM
That's generally the way I build but my results aren't as good as yours.
Be sure to post some of the parts you make.
Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: bladerunner on April 13, 2009, 11:11:17 AM
Greetings from OZ!
just finnished creating my own Router...its my own design out of my head made from ideas from all over the world..ive called it BLADERUNNER..took me 14 days to construct pretty much more than 12 hours a day and about $3000.00 australian to build...
i was intersted in building the "Mechmate" but was blown off by the owner as i wanted that design but on a smaller scale,he told me to go look on the net for designs as there where lots out kidding mate ..LOTS OUT instead of wasting time i just built it one part at a time and let the next part decide how i connect the nextt and so on...well im really chuffed and the tunning is going well and the specs really good...i hope to creat many Rc Planes and Heli parts with this machine




That looks pretty darn cool if you ask me.  I'm trying to figure out how that motor on top of the "Z" axis works though.  Is it the "Y" axis drive running on a toothed rail?

Yeah that guy with the Mechmate is a jerk.  He doesn't like anyone who isn't a purest.  I like your design much better.  I'd be interested in building one too.


Howdee Greg!

yes its a rack and pinion system and there are two steppers driving the x axis and ,well in fact ive used the rack on all the gantrys..ive heard that its not as acurate as ball/screw but im happy with what i planning on retrifitting a mini mill amd lathe soon so will use that system there for greater accuracy

cheers for the compliments guys just need to make some stuff now and play with the toys it makes!

Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: GAWnCA on April 13, 2009, 11:19:05 AM
I'm going to have to study your photos to see if I can come up with something like that.  It looks Great!!!!  Your design could give that Mechmate a run for it's money.  The Mechmate requires a machine shop and welder to build.
Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: bladerunner on April 13, 2009, 11:35:51 AM
 message me your email and i will send you my  build photos and you can have fun ...


Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: Greolt on April 14, 2009, 05:19:37 AM

Yeah that guy with the Mechmate is a jerk.  He doesn't like anyone who isn't a purest. 

Gerald has designed a CNC router capable of processing full sheet material in a commercial environment that can be built quite economically.

He has provided full construction drawings for FREE

Out of his own pocket he has funded and provided a forum to assist any who wish to build his design for FREE

He tirelessly assists and advises anybody from anywhere to build his design for FREE

I for one think that he is entitled to limit his  forum to the subject that he provides it for.  

There are many general type forums like CNCzone, Artsoft etc.

Gerald has demonstrated over a number of years to be the most generous person that I have seen by his actions.

I tell my kids that when they say something derogatory about someone, that it always says more about the speaker than the subject.

Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: GAWnCA on April 14, 2009, 08:48:08 AM

Gerald has designed a CNC router capable of processing full sheet material in a commercial environment that can be built quite economically.

He has provided full construction drawings for FREE

Out of his own pocket he has funded and provided a forum to assist any who wish to build his design for FREE

He tirelessly assists and advises anybody from anywhere to build his design for FREE

I for one think that he is entitled to limit his  forum to the subject that he provides it for.  

There are many general type forums like CNCzone, Artsoft etc.

Gerald has demonstrated over a number of years to be the most generous person that I have seen by his actions.

I tell my kids that when they say something derogatory about someone, that it always says more about the speaker than the subject.


Just because he has done all of this and supplies some drawings for free, it does not give him the right to be an A$$Hol3.  He is a jerk because if you point out a better way of doing something in his design, he cuts off your access to discuss anything further.  It's HIS way or the HIGHWAY!  And one more thing, he stole his machine design from, ShopBot, it's not even his original thought.
Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: Tweakie.CNC on April 14, 2009, 09:43:36 AM
Nice machine H - I expect to see pictures of some airplane parts posted in the near future.

Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: bladerunner on June 27, 2009, 07:34:59 AM
More Progress!

fitted the chinese watercooled spindle! thats nice and SILENT! also a mate "Gary" milled out the holes for the gantry uprites today so looks SWEET! also upgraded the slides and upgraded to the expensive extrution so everything is looking good,
ive done a few test cuts and im very happy withthe resolution im getting...only .01 difference on a cut circle in 10mm ali!


Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: Tweakie.CNC on June 27, 2009, 09:12:19 AM
Excellent work.  :)

Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: bladerunner on June 28, 2009, 08:17:32 AM
Thanx tweaky!

just made some wicked Spindle Mounts and Vac Foot!

love it!
Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: Tweakie.CNC on June 28, 2009, 12:42:30 PM
Like your Flow TX as well.

Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: bladerunner on September 09, 2009, 09:14:00 PM
More bling....
Ive now fitted a 20mm solid ali deck and spoilboards and drilled and tapped clamping holes as well as made some wicked clamps

Now Its ROCK and ROLL!
here is a utube vid of an engraving i made for a mates logo that i designed and its on a plate that my machine cut and pocketted too!


Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: Dan13 on September 10, 2009, 12:47:49 AM
Hi Haydn,

Great job!

WOW... 0.1mm accuracy with rack and pinion system!! Would have never thought it could be so accurate.

That spindle is quit indeed... even the steppers make more noise ;)

Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: GAWnCA on September 10, 2009, 01:13:54 AM
WOW is right are you going to supply plans and sources for the parts?  That is just too cool!!  Great job!
Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: bladerunner on September 10, 2009, 03:10:55 AM
The Spindle is the Clasic chinese with german bearings 1.5kw watercooled with VFD driver.A PC watercooler the Thermaltake 8501 bigwater to keep things KOOOOOL! works getting .00 acuracys with my rack and pinion im thinking of putting some belt drive,s for evn more accuracy..i was running that vid at 1000units/m but actually had it at 2000units/m with no problems so im very happy for my home built machine built prmarily with a battery operated hand drill and a hacksaw....then later on in the build used a X1 mini mill and a Radial Armsaw with tungsten blade to finnish it off!

BladeRunner now has made enough parts for a second machine that is nearly complete and that 1 is definatly a KOOOKER! will send pics once final build is done just taken apart for final paint and reasambly!
and Also a 3rd machine is now in the pipe line ...all the hardware is onroute from various places all around the globe and expacting a knock at the door prom the postman anyday soon!


Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: budman68 on September 10, 2009, 08:59:03 AM
Really nice job, Haydn, I'm finally starting my own table and have enjoyed watching your build very much.   :)

May I ask what video cam you used? Beautiful quality!

Thanks for sharing,
Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: bladerunner on September 10, 2009, 10:09:02 AM
Hey Guys thanx again!
Its a Sony hdr -sr12  HD gotta love the clarity!

as far as the VFD goes yes it will control a spindle down to that rpm if the spindle can go that low....I got mine from that bloke as well and several other chaps have also jumped on board and we are all very happy....if you get a spindle just make sure it can go that low..mine specifys 6000-24000 i did some work with a drill bit and it didnt have the torque below 6000 at all and it was a 7mm drill it just stalled strait away into do some research into the operation range...normally high speed spindles wont go that low at all as far as 600 rpm goes maybe you could make a reduction box to get the rpms down but then you will be adding weight to your Z gantry and end up chasing your tail!


Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: budman68 on September 10, 2009, 10:13:14 AM
Its a Sony hdr -sr12  HD gotta love the clarity!


Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: GAWnCA on September 10, 2009, 10:44:35 AM
What is a Sony hdr -sr12  HD?
Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: budman68 on September 10, 2009, 10:52:26 AM
What is a Sony hdr -sr12  HD?

Sony Handycam HDR-SR12 Camcorder

Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: GAWnCA on September 10, 2009, 12:26:08 PM
Thanks Dave.  I missed the question about the camera used.   Greg
Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: budman68 on September 10, 2009, 01:17:03 PM
Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: GAWnCA on September 10, 2009, 01:38:37 PM
This is a very nice build. 
Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: bladerunner on September 14, 2009, 01:06:22 PM
Thanx For the compliments Gents! ;D

Found a dxf of a cablechain ive been after for some time now...I will be making many of these links in the near future for my Bladerunner!



Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: GAWnCA on September 14, 2009, 01:10:12 PM
That would be great to have and be able to re-size as needed.  So many chains I find are way too big for our CNC machines.  I have yet to find something small ond compact.
Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: Sam on September 14, 2009, 04:30:44 PM
That's pretty slick. Never thought about making one. Good job!
Title: Re: BladeRunner
Post by: bladerunner on September 22, 2009, 09:40:22 AM
Thanx Guys!

Finnished the first short length for the Y axis and now setting up for fitting....HEY CNC FREAKS............I DIG IT! makes the machine complete

Cheers for all the kind words and compliments everyone CHEERS!