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Author Topic: need simple procedure for autozero script using multiple tools  (Read 2146 times)

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Can someone point me to a 1-2-3 procedure for working with multiple tool changes( manually) in one program when using an autozero tool offset script.  My few attempts have broken into my autozero touch plate, which fortunately sits on a plastic project box rather than steel. It saved me a tool, but it has ruined two touch plates so far. I need to know the procedure for, let's say, Tool 0 or 1 as the datum tool, and then subsequent tools, all using the autozero script.  Again, not to repeat myself, I have no trouble when I am working with only one tool. As soon as I start working with multiple tool lengths, I am totally confused regarding the sequence of steps and this is when I break parts. With an advance thanks.


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Re: need simple procedure for autozero script using multiple tools
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2013, 08:54:56 AM »
Hi screwhead,
by far the easiest method I have found is to use Ger21's 2010 screen set, once the touch pads are set up as per the instructions it does it all for you,
best few pounds I ever spent.
