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Author Topic: New Probing/Measuring Macros  (Read 7865 times)

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New Probing/Measuring Macros
« on: January 03, 2010, 03:56:24 PM »
Below are my latest set of probing and measuring macros.  They provide the following capabilities:

Locating any edge of an objects, the mid-point between two edges, the center of a circle or pocket, and precisely aligning a vise to the X or Y axis.  All of these can either zero the axis DROs to the probed features, or simpy position without zeroing the DROs.  In addition, most operations can be performed for measurement purposes only, simply reporting the distance measured - for example, from the current position to an edge, the distance between two edges, or diameter of a circle.

The major improvement here is use of a two-stage probing technique - First, a high-speed probe is performed, to find the edge quickly.  Then, the probe is retracted about 0.020", and a second probe performed, at slow speed, for better accuracy.  This has consistenly given me 0.0001" repeatability, using a 50 IPM fast probe pass.  Since over-shoot is likely at such speeds, I do NOT recommend use of rigid probes.

These are not quite usable "out of the box", as they get a number of parameters from non-standard DROs.  So, you will have to either add these DROs to your screenset, or modify the macros to hard-wire these parameters.  All parameters are loaded in a subroutine, and the subroutine is identical in all macros that use it, so modification of the code is quite simple by simply modifying one copy, then copying/pasting it into the other macros that require it.  A brief explanation of what's required is contained in the included .txt file.

Note that I am providing these as-is, and cannot provide more than very minimal support and hand-holding.  If you're a "newbie", or not comfortable with Mach3 VB code, this is probably not for you.

Ray L.
Ray L.

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Re: New Probing/Measuring Macros
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2010, 05:10:21 PM »
Hi Ray,

Thanks for the macro's. The are very usefull. That must be a lot of work.

With kindly regards from the Netherlands.
