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Author Topic: Simultaneously jogging two axis in a 4 axis hotwire CNC  (Read 3792 times)

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Simultaneously jogging two axis in a 4 axis hotwire CNC
« on: February 03, 2014, 12:11:04 PM »

I have setup a 4 axis hotwire CNC machine and I am running Mach 3. I want to be able to program hotkeys to simultaneously control two axis at a time. For example, I want to move the X and Z axis (The left and right horizontal axis) with one hotkey and the Y and A axis (the two vertical axis) with another hotkey. This would be a very useful feature, so that the axis don't get out of alignment when jogging. Using the salve axis won't work in this case because the axis still need to run separately during normal operation.

Thanks! ::)