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Messages - Ron Ginger

I can answer #3 quickly. That problem was reported and fixed a few weeks ago. There is a V2.0.4x on the web site now that has that fix and a few others.

#1 sounds like the cutter is flexing under the tool load. Your 3mm cutter is enough larger to resist the forces better. I think  if you read the gcode you will find it is moving to the correct locations, the tool just cant follow it.

Try making the cut in two passes- first request a slightly smaller cut, then when the bulk of material is removed run a second pass that is only doing a small finish cut. You might even just try re-running the same program and see if it doesn't cleanup the edges to the right size.

On #2 I will have a look and fix it in the next release.


General Mach Discussion / The CNC workshop 2016
« on: March 02, 2016, 12:15:08 PM »
Plans are  underway for the next CNC workshop, to again be at the TechShop in Allen Park Michigan, June 6-11. Everything about the  facility seemed to work well last year, and we now have our website under control. It is time to start planning the sessions. The website is up and some basic  see TheCNCworkshop.com

Last year when I dropped in on several session it seemed like things were just getting warmed up and the time was up. This year I want to try a slightly different format. On Wednesday and Thursday we will have a few, but very intense sessions. I hope to have up to 3 sessions each day, of a full day duration. We will encourage attendees to bring laptops so they can follow along with the instruction.

I need at least 5 or 6 full day sessions. I could do a couple half day session if that works for some speakers. I hope to have some of the following topics:

Fusion 360 (CAD by Autodesk)

I am open to any other related topics anyone is willing to present.

On Friday we will have more, shorter sessions, probably the schedule we followed last year. I hope to get several user experience talks.

The vendor program will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Saturday will also feature a swap meet, and will be open to the general public. I do not plan any seminars on Saturday.

We will be having build classes on Monday and Tuesday, a Lathe, a 3D printer and a router. Details are still being worked on the build classes, but I hope they can have all day sessions on learning to use the machines on Wednesday.

I cannot offer pay for the sessions, but speakers for all day sessions will be given complimentary admission to the entire event.

Let me  know if you are interested in leading any of these sessions.


ron ginger

No, the PCID is a computed value that will appear in the PCID box on the About screen. It will be a string of characters that look random. That is the string you should copy and supply to the machsupport license screen to generate the matching key.

What screen resolution are you using? The operation screens, like the hole patterns, are not re-sizable. So I am not sure  what happens when you open them on a small screen. The main window can be resized, but it prevents making it to small for the other windows. I assume the machine it works on has a larger screen?

I do not think it has anything to do with installing by a memory stick. If the install did not fail, and the main screen opens, then I am sure you have a good install.

PoKeys / Re: Pokeys57CNC & Mach4, spindle question
« on: February 02, 2016, 09:04:25 AM »
I am setting up a lathe with the Pokey57CNC. What is the pin number for the relays? I want to use a relay to turn the VFD on.

The Od3 wizard is not  part of the newfangled suite, so I really dont  know anything about it. but it must be written in VB, and its all there for you to look at and change in any way you like.

PoKeys / Re: Pin assignment of step and direction
« on: January 25, 2016, 05:57:16 PM »
I am back to working on this lathe and have more questions.

I have a PoExtBusOC16-CNC bus. Since I only need 2 axis for the lathe is their any benefit to using this? I think hooking to the IDC and ribbon cables is harder than the screw terminals on the pokey57E. I will use keiling KL4030 step drivers. I do not plan to use a breakout board, I assume the pokey57E and drive the Kl4030 directly.

I will be using a spindle encoder. Which pins on the 57E should that use?

I have home switches for X and Z, which pins are best for that?

I will need 10V output to drive the VFD, again, which pins for that?

Newfangled Mill Wizard / Re: Countersink Option
« on: January 18, 2016, 08:39:23 AM »
Nice idea, I iwll see if I can get that into the Mill Wizard.

Newfangled Mill Wizard / Re: mach 3
« on: January 13, 2016, 03:29:10 PM »
I think you are looking in the wrong place for that help- this section is about the wizards which can be used to generate Gcode. Try your question in the main section of this forum.

The digitize wizard is not part of the newfangled suite. I really dont know anything about the digitize wizard.