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Messages - wvancura

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Sending a CNC to the home position, may be dangerous to do without getting the tool (Z axis) out of harm's way. 
However, in MACH3, the HOME command is merely a macro that can be easily edited to do anything you desire.
You can modify or eliminate the Z action, change the order of operations, and/or add some other fancy step.

When having just bought a Mach3 compatible CNC system from China, and asking the question 'Should I upgrade to Mach4?'. It isn't about whether or not to do it, but when if ever.
Yes Mach3 is obsolete and it has been left behind. And yes, Mach 4 is the obvious choice for software that is current. However, that is really only the tip of the problem.
The software upgrade isn't trivial but is really simple compared to the hardware upgrade that must accompany it.
The new CNC owner is going to want to see his new investment work now, not in 3 or more months.
Once he has it running and discovers that he really likes operating a CNC, then and only then should he consider the upgrade to Mach4.
The hardware upgrade will be a daunting task. The user will have to decide on the correct upgrade path for his situation, and then purchase the hardware to do it. Once he has the hardware, he will have to perform a fairly major modification to the his controller box. This will include ripping out the old controller and installing the new controller. This will not be a plug and play event. He will have to decipher and implement the electrical wiring changes that must be made. This will require mechanical and electrical skills that, I believe, most beginning users do not have.
So, in my mind and in this situation, starting with Mach3 and then researching and planning the process to upgrade to Mach4 is the way to go.
Because the BSMCEO-4U-PP USB controller card is being used in many of these Chinese systems, the real deal maker would be a Mach4 compatible driver for it. It is a cheap card, but it does work. It would minimize the hardware upgrade issue for most of these users, and many would gladly upgrade to Mach4 if it was only about installing software.

As far as I can tell, the wiring is wrong. The analog output AVI (also known as PWM) needs the source voltage referenced to ACM (Analog/PWM common/ground). That is, 5V power input to the point marked 10V and the supply ground to ACM. The output AVI is correct.
The three pins ACM, AVI, and 10V are all on a separate fully isolated circuit. Your power supply to must be between 10V and ACM.
To achieve better linearity on setting laser power, I would use a power supply input of 10 to 12 volts to the 10V input and software configure maximum PWM output to about 50% of 10Volts to output a more accurate 5 Volts to your laser control input. With a 5 Volts power input, the output voltage AVI at 100% PWM will probably only reach 4 volts. You will get only about 80% of your laser power. 
Good luck,

If you open the controller Box and find a BSMCEO44U-PP controller card inside, you are somewhat committed to MACH3. It is Mach3 only compatible.
Mach3 is a stable platform and it works very well. Unless you are into a full scale machine shop needing sophisticated control processes, stick with Mach3. Your CNC is set up for it and will be pretty close to plug and play in metric mode. Download the latest version of MACH 3 from Newfangled (It might be the same version), try it before you license it. It will do small files for trial. The copy that came with it will also be a trial copy (you will eventually wind up paying for a license). It is fairly easy to learn, but it takes real time to get good at it.
I can help you with any setup problems. I also have a reasonable translation of the BSMCEO44 operating manual.

Mach4 Toolbox / Re: Touch Plate Corner Finder
« on: April 03, 2021, 09:58:10 PM »
I don't know where to take you from here. I don't know much about LUA either. I don't use Mach4. You need to find another Mach4 user to help you through this. If there is a bug in the code, the author needs to handle it.
In the mean time, all I can add is that you try different approaches to getting X to work. I can't believe that nobody else has the same issue.
Just one thing more. Is it possible that you have a short to the probe? The motor spindle may be grounded to the frame, perhaps poorly, and the ground is interfering with the touch process. You may have to reverse the probe wiring between the probe and the edge-finder.  Early hobby CNC machines were made with wood or plastic and hand routers. Now almost everything is metal and electrical ground is everywhere. When i upgraded my CNC to metal, I found my spindle grounded and I eventually isolated it at the clamp to make the probe work again.
good luck,

Mach4 Toolbox / Re: Touch Plate Corner Finder
« on: April 02, 2021, 10:37:05 AM »
The code may have a bug in it, after all it is rumored that no coded project has ever been bug free. To avoid this, you should work from a point of consistency.
Try always starting your measurement from the same conditions, such as placing the probe at your starting point and then zeroing all of the axis before starting the probe sequence. This way, the code will perform all of its subroutines in the same order and in the same way.
If you encounter a setup scenario that reliably produces an error, then a bug report should be submitted with your test setup, and hopefully it will be fixed post haste.
The probe input is also a possible problem area. A touch should produce a reliable glitch-free signal that the software can detect accurately. A small capacitance (about 0.01uf to 0.1uf) across the probe to ground, should guarantee a clean signal to the software.

FAQs / Re: Homing and Limit Configuration
« on: January 18, 2021, 08:52:09 PM »
Reading through the Mach3 Version 3.x Macro Programmers Reference Manual
I found 'CoupleSlave' and conjured up this possible REFALLHOME sequence.
The sequence should allow you to have all Limit and Home switches on the same input.
DoButton( 24 )      ' Home Z [DoOEMButton(1024)]
DoButton( 23 )      ' Home Y [DoOEMButton(1023)]
DoButton( 22 )      ' Home X with slave
CoupleSlave(0)      ' Disconnect A From X
DoButton( 22 )      ' Home X [DoOEMButton(1022)]
DoButton( 25 )      ' Home A [DoOEMButton(1025)]
CoupleSlave(0)      ' Connect A To X
DoOEMButton(133)     ' Set X=0
DoOEMButton(134)   ' Set Y=0
DoOEMButton(135)   ' Set Z=0

One thing you may want to consider.  Limit switches are more reliable when wired in series and normally closed. Some users have complained about false triggers on open switches, and problem went away when using Normally closed. 


Mach3 under Vista / Re: New setup for USB board by BSMCEO4U-PP Bitsensor
« on: January 18, 2021, 07:24:13 PM »
As you have discovered, you can merge switch inputs. Home and Limit switches may be one and the same (works for me). This could give you an extra input for a dedicated E-Stop.   
The inputs you have on Input#3 are somewhat redundant with the ones on Input #2.
I don't have a second motor for X, so I was unaware you could home both slaved motors separately while slaved together.
I also use a slightly modified RefAllHome button. 
One thing that the BSM board won't do is jog X & Y at the same time. The Parallel port interface allows this and I miss it occasionally.

FAQs / Re: Homing and Limit Configuration
« on: January 18, 2021, 11:27:41 AM »
This is a link to a manual for the BSMCEO4U
It should have everything you need to get running.
If not contact me for personal help.

Mach3 under Vista / Re: New setup for USB board by BSMCEO4U-PP Bitsensor
« on: January 15, 2021, 10:36:55 PM »
As far as I can tell, The switch inputs IN1 to IN4 are passed directly to Mach3, and then handed back to the controller as needed. That said, some time passes in those transfers. The index signal can be tried, but I wouldn't know if it will work for you. The spindle speed is relatively slow when tapping so signal time may not be a big issue. It will depend on speed, response time, and how much slop you can tolerate.
Many VFDs have an incredible set of options that could perform whatever operations you plan. Unfortunately, if the manual isn't in English those features can get lost.

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