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Author Topic: importing coordinate list  (Read 17111 times)

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Offline BR549

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Re: importing coordinate list
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2011, 09:32:23 PM »

NOW I gotcha(;-) I have spent too much time cam grinding I was stuck in that mode,

Tool comp should not be a problem in that mode just use the MACh3 tool comp G42/43 G40 cancel. Set the grinder wheel UP in the tool table and YES you can Change the values ON THE FLY, just in case you ask about probing the wheel diameter.

Take your points and IMPORT them into the cad program then clean them up as ARCS and lines  as best you can.  Most Cads have an import Macro to do just that. You might be able to set up a WIZARD to do what you need and have it write the code for you. SIde step the Cad/Cam with a conversational Program.

DO you have prest profiles to cut or need to do some probing as well?

(;-) TP
Re: importing coordinate list
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2011, 09:49:08 PM »

If I use tool comp in Mach will it not just make a move away from the tool path right or left by the radius of the wheel rather
than actually changing the path shape?

Also, you mention importing the points into a cad/cam and that is exactly my problem.  I have not been able to get the text
file into a cad program to clean up the tool path.  The file is a text file such as below consisting of X and Y values separated
by a comma.  I have searched the net and can't find a csv to dxf converter(or other format accepted by BobCad). 


« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 10:02:42 PM by thespindoctor »

Offline BR549

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Re: importing coordinate list
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2011, 10:01:21 PM »
NO, tool comp actually adjusts the tool PATH to comp the diameter differrence.

IF you import those number into a spread sheeet then you can ADD the X and Y letters and remove the COMMAS then ADD a G1 to the top of the file and you have a Gcode file.  NOW you can convert the Gcode file BACK to a dxf. REcam as needed then Post up a new Gcode file.

I am surprised that BOBCAD cannot import a data file. HAVE you asked BobCad about it?

Email me the file as is and let me look at the whole file. there may be an easier way to convert to a Gcode file.    Maybe can convert stright to a DXF if I can remember the format string.

(;-) TP
Re: importing coordinate list
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2011, 10:10:54 PM »
Ok, then I may be in business!  Tool comp saves a lot of trouble and for now
will allow the machine to work well.  I was not sure from the docs and until
now have always used BobCad for tool comp.  I have already made the g code
file directly and used it to sharpen and it shows up in Mach toolpath.

I talked to BobCad today and described the problem and was told that I would
have to enter the points individually by hand.  There is apparently no way to take
a data file of points like this and get them into their software.  It seems like a
relatively easy thing to do...

The next problem for me is to take this data file and analyze the shape to identify
the best curves that fit the shape.  Any ideas as to how to do that?  The blades
are supposed to be made of 3 curves - a larger 8 foot radius segment over most
of the blade and 2 smaller radius curves near the front of the blade.   I hope to
be able to describe the blade is this way and be able to correct to ideal shape...
Re: importing coordinate list
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2011, 10:36:16 PM »

Offline RICH

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Re: importing coordinate list
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2011, 06:52:52 AM »
Have you considered using Copycat which would give you a gcode file. Accuracy depends on the viewing device used.
It basicaly will allow you to select points and will generate the gcode. You can then use a converter to change the code to a dxf
file (backplot) for manipuation by CAD if so desired. Been a while, but believe you can modify the gcode file on the fly and put your owne points in instead of viewing them.

BTW, what you are trying to do has been done. ie; My friend has written programs to do what you want and even backplot them but unforetunately won't share them .
Re: importing coordinate list
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2011, 07:32:50 PM »
I gave a try to tool compensation and the tool path is a series of approaches to each
line segment so it did not behave as I was expecting.  The docs talk about having
to use an approach at least one diameter of the diameter offset away to start but I
don't have that much room.

Also cant find Copycat through an internet search but will keep trying.


Offline BR549

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Re: importing coordinate list
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2011, 09:17:17 PM »
Normally with grinding you want to move into the cut on a very shallow arc  or line with your leadin move so the stone picks up the load gradually.   With the TComp you have to be far enought away based on tool Diam to give the machine ROOM to do the comp move BEFORE it gets to the start of cut point.  IF you do not 1 or 2 things happen the program erros out (rarely) OR the machine will do a silly jig dance in an attemp to comp the move.

Copycat is a Mach3 wizard and can be found on the Main page /download programs section. It works very well IF you are patience(;-).

(;-) TP
Re: importing coordinate list
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2011, 09:07:43 AM »

Thanks for the continued help.  Copycat is my next mission, did not realize it was in Mach.

My problem with this machine is that I only have 1 inch of travel in the Y axis.  Maybe BobCad will
be necessary to make the toolpath and then I can shorten the lead-in.  Do you think there is a way to do
this in Mach with the 1" limitation?  What Mach is doing now is a series of leadins every 1/2 inch instead of one lead-in at the start of the part.


Offline BR549

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Re: importing coordinate list
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2011, 07:45:02 PM »
Can you post the code? A look at the code can save a thousand guesses (;-). That would normally mean load the file to the site not copy all of the file to the screen(;-)

(;-) TP