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Messages - stirling

General Mach Discussion / Re: any recommendations for pendant / mpg?
« on: February 25, 2011, 10:55:02 AM »
Thanks cj - sorry it's taken me so long to reply - I somehow missed your post. Must have got lost in all the other replies  ;D

which one do you have? The P3E with the EE box looks like it fully handles E-Stop correctly - so might take a shot at that one.

Thanks again


PoKeys / Re: PoPendant 1
« on: February 25, 2011, 10:32:05 AM »
After a bit of reading it seems (if I'm correct) that wiring a popendant to a second parallel port isn't trivial. Firstly there arn't enough input pins on a PP port and secondly the pendant requires it's own 5V power source. Are these assumptions correct or am I missing something.


PoKeys / Re: PoPendant 1
« on: February 25, 2011, 05:24:02 AM »
Noted. I'll go ahead and get the pendant and try it with a second parallel port.



PoKeys / Re: PoPendant 1
« on: February 24, 2011, 04:41:09 PM »
Thanks borisz.

However, I'd be interested to hear views from anyone who's using the above pendant with a second parallel port before I buy. I don't have time to mess, so I'd just like a solution that works out of the box. Clearly just looking at the threads in this sub-forum there are at least some issues using the pendant with a poKeys, but I don't see a lot of mention about using the pendant via a second parallel port. Any views/experiences/opinions welcome.



PoKeys / Re: PoPendant 1
« on: February 24, 2011, 01:54:11 PM »
Hi borisz

Bit confused with your reply. All I need to know is if I buy a PoPendant (see attached), am I better off connecting it via a PoKeys55T or via a second parallel port and are there any issues I should be aware of with either method.



PoKeys / PoPendant 1
« on: February 24, 2011, 08:01:42 AM »
I'm considering one of these fellas http://www.poscope.com/product.php?pid=21.

Would I be better using it with a PoKeys55T or a second parallel port - can anyone give me a brief run down on the state of play with these and Mach3? i.e. are things stable/reliable (plugins etc.) or are there "issues". Any advice most welcome.



I'm referring here specifically to Mach. I suspect there's a gazillion different gcode dialects and hence interpreters out there but other than that I can't comment. The % as the first character in a line is just an empty comment line to Mach so if you preferred you could do something like (end of my file) - the % is just quicker I guess.

The only refs I know of are those via the links at the top of this page


General Mach Discussion / Re: Steppers out of sync and skipped steps?
« on: February 19, 2011, 06:05:00 AM »
Why they wouldn't run in sync in parallel is very confusing, I don't see how they could actually run out of sync. But apparently they can.
See post #5 and others.

Chris - you're welcome.

The % isn't required but it's not a bad idea to put one on the last line of a gcode program. The gcode interpreter has a "quirk" in that it only processes a line when it sees a carriage-return-line-feed (CRLF) at the end of the line. It's easy to forget to do this on the last line (usually the M30) but in the case of a subroutine (like here) an M99. The % ensures (and visually confirms) that there IS a CRLF after the last line.


Chris - your code re-structured without conditionals.

Code: [Select]
N4M98 P1 L#100
N8G1 X[#101] Z0 Y0
N9Z0.037 Y0.0054
N10Z0.0643 Y0.0156
N11Z0.0924 Y0.0313
N13Z0.1144 Y0.0469
N14Z0.1332 Y0.0625
N16Z0.1646 Y0.0938
N17Z0.1904 Y0.125
N20Z0.2115 Y0.1563
N21Z0.2288 Y0.1875
N23Z0.2434 Y0.2188
N121Z0.1227 Y11
N122Z0.1095 Y11.125
N123Z0.0961 Y11.25
N124Z0.0825 Y11.375
N125Z0.0687 Y11.5
N126Z0.0549 Y11.625
N127Z0.0409 Y11.75
N128Z0.0268 Y11.875
N129Z0.0127 Y12
