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Messages - budman68

« on: July 26, 2009, 03:40:36 PM »
I think Terry hits the mark, as I was/am very much a newb and started with LCam. I tried very hard to put up with the "issues" that plagued the program and got by with the help of all the generous folks here that gave their time to get me up and running (where were your manuals then, Rich!! :D ). I have to admit that I did feel "slighted" as I had no idea that LCam was "done" as a program and I thought "Beta" meant that it was going to get better in the future and that's why I thought it might be a good idea to purchase it thinking there was a future in it. There really should be a better description on the download page for this program rather than the excuse of it being a "beta" software and that it's really what it is and that's all.

As for the lathe part of LCam, I just don't have a clue........LTurn on the other hand, I'm now to the point where I'm salivating for a finish operation  :P (C'mon Art, you're killing me! lol!! )

I have now moved on to Vectric products for my CAM work and it was like a godsend in comparison (for me). The software is just too easy to use and you would have to be crazy not to try it. As for the money, hobby or not, save your pennies and buy a software that says what it does and does it flawlessly and not have to spend half the time figuring out how to get through bugs and work-a-rounds.


General Mach Discussion / Re: New PlugIn just about done..
« on: July 24, 2009, 06:56:37 AM »

Hey, since you guys have the source code handy.....  Howzabout modifying it so we can have more than two macro buttons?  Looks like a straight-forward change to make, but I don't have VC++, so no way to compile it myself.  I'd love to have at least four macro buttons - but the more the merrier!

Ray L.

This is exactly what I was after and I'm in the same boat as Ray as I would not be able to do any programming at all (dunce here).

Scott or Lemo, is it possible to just have pull down menus for all buttons that would include macro functions for any button of choice? Or is that getting too complicated to do?

Thanks Brett for making this available  :)


General Mach Discussion / Re: New PlugIn just about done..
« on: July 23, 2009, 11:54:16 AM »
Sorry, I misunderstood and was trying to help-


General Mach Discussion / Re: New PlugIn just about done..
« on: July 23, 2009, 10:11:52 AM »
Hi Lemo,

You may want to contact member "Leed3" (maker of the X box 360 controller plugin) as he offered his plugin writing services for a fee or trade to me at one point.

Maybe if we all chip in, maybe he'll do all of our requests if they're doable.  ;)


Tangent Corner / Re: Aluminum Heat Sink Adhesive?
« on: July 15, 2009, 09:38:46 AM »
Thanks Rich, yes, the motor just has the original plating on it and I actually thought by having the aluminum sleeve, it would actually help things in this case (pun intended). I'm going to do a little experimenting and see if I can get some temp comparisons to see if I'm actually helping with my experimentation or just making things worse  :D

Thanks for the lesson as always, Rich-

Tangent Corner / Re: Aluminum Heat Sink Adhesive?
« on: July 14, 2009, 07:16:45 PM »
Hi Rich,

Thanks for replying but what exacty do you mean by "Paint on a motor affects the heat transfer rate."?

Are you saying to paint the motor to help lower the temp? Or just the opposite? FYI : The motor is not painted, I have an aluminum sleeve covering the housing. A pic may help-


Tangent Corner / Aluminum Heat Sink Adhesive?
« on: July 14, 2009, 04:56:46 PM »
Well I ran my first real "production" job on my little Taig Lathe the other day and the motor will definitely need some cooling to help keep her cool.

Made up some aluminum heatsinks but does anyone know if this thermal epoxy will be strong enough to handle the vibration of a motor? The aluminum heatsinks will be epoxied to an aluminum sleeve that I have over the motor. I believe I'm going to add an 80mm fan as well.


Thanks for any help-

LazyTurn / Re: LazyTurn
« on: July 13, 2009, 08:17:53 AM »

Thanks for the rundown on how you do it.

 I was hoping that you had known a way to locate the origin in dxf form so that I didn't have to go to another program but no big deal, I guess I can use ProgeCAD (like autoCAD) if need be.

I do appreciate your reply and your help -  :)

LazyTurn / Re: LazyTurn
« on: July 12, 2009, 09:27:40 AM »
Here are the pics of how I got it to work:

LazyTurn / Re: LazyTurn
« on: July 12, 2009, 09:26:58 AM »
chrisjh: if you don't mind, I have a question for you on how you were able to export your dxf in the origin that it was drawn. How did you accomplish this?

I'm not a solidworks pro (I have solidworks 2005) and I only figured out how to get a reasonable dxf for turn by accident. By looking at the pics below, you'll see that when I export the drawing to dxf, I put the sketch just on a custom sheet with no text or blueprint template as you can see and making sure it's 1:1. Now when you look at the dxf in LazyTurn, you'll see that it's stretched like yours.

Now what I found accidentally because I was trying locate it in different places on the drawing to find the proper origin, is that if I put it right at the bottom of the sheet (anywhere along the bottom) it comes out right but it has to be right on the edge as shown in the pics below.

Some pictures will be on a seperate post as you're only allowed 4 pics per post.

I'd like to know how you were able to place yours at a specific origin?

Thanks for any help-