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Messages - 96dodgeviper

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General Mach Discussion / Mach 3 Help...anyone live in Tucson, Arizona?
« on: August 23, 2013, 03:19:23 PM »
I was curious if anyone lived in Tucson, Arizona and knew a lot about Mach 3?
I could really use some help about using it to carve into wood.
I got it to work, but really need an expert to help "fine-tune" it.
Willing to pay.

Thanks for the information.  I  went to "Config > Spindle"...but not for sure what to adjust to make the max speed of the spindle.
Here is a picture.....okay, I guess I can't get the picture to show up on here..it just says....
I'll try and describe the window....it has "PID".....P is set at .25.....I is set at 1....D is set at .3.
it has "Control"....set at 0   RPM   0
4  Pulley number
control ratio 0

Not for sure if I'm even in the right window...says "Spindle Calibration and testing"
Thanks for your time.

I'm new to CNC machine and also Mach 3.  I was running my first wood carving, and the Status window of Mach 3 says..."Too Fast For Pulley...using Max".
Does anyone know how to fix this?

John....I multiplied by 25.4 and it seems to be pretty close...good enough.  Thanks so much.
Now just work out a few minor issues and I should be all set.  Thanks so much.

Thanks Al and Jim for your inputs also.

That is probably my problem.  I went through the manual that came with the cnc machine...it tells me to choose between Inches and MM...I chose inches.
But when it comes to the "Steps Per" it only gives one set of numbers...which are probably in MM (came from China....which they tricked me..said it was "USA"..from CA).
So, I'm going to go onto the Company that makes Mach 3 and see if their manual gives me the settings I need to Tune the motor in Inches.
Thanks so much for your help...I would have never guessed that.

Sorry...new to all this.  Where would I check to see if my "steps Per" are correct?

On a side note...I tried moving my "X" motor manually...to 18....and it only moved about 3/4 of an inch.

I double checked that I was using 15   x    12.9  inches.....and made sure the decimal point was not leading.  Still carving about 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch.
Seems like I'm so close...but yet so far from finally figuring it out.
Thanks for trying.

Both are in inches...good thought...I wish that were the problem.  Thanks

No matter what I do, I can't get the CNC machine to carve larger then 1/2" by 1/2".
I even tried the samples that came with PhotoVCarve and also Mach 3.
I sent the file to the company that makes the PhotovCarve, and they said it is fine,
that it must be some settings in my Mach 3.  Any information would be greatly

Thanks so much for the information Gerry.
Wow, looks like they lied to me....
Where it says "licensed to:"....it says "Demo Version"
as far as version...it says "Version D1.90.038
Not for sure what to do now....I guess I need to confront the Company I bought the CNC machine from and see what they will do.
Of course I bought it on-line, so probably will have to buy my own copy of Mach 3.
Is there an easier version, or different software for a total beginner?
Also, IF I was told right...do I need to buy another software to make G-code that will run in Mach 3?
I'm trying to take a picture from my camera...or the internet, and turn it into G-code, and then run it on Mach 3 to do
carvings into wood etc.
Any info would be much appreciated.

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