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Messages - Ron Ginger

Newfangled Mill Wizard / Re: PC ID not showing
« on: April 15, 2013, 05:20:31 PM »
I did notice that if you select a new tool from the drop down menu, the plunge rate changed to 0.006 and the tool path dosen't work. If change the plunge rate to a whole number (say 10 for example) the tool path display works.

This hit me doing a demo at Cabin fever. You are correct that a small value in plunge will be turned to a zero in the gcode 'pretty up' routines, and that will cause toolpath to fail.

I am looking for why the plunge value turns up so low. I recall fixing a problem in the plunge calculation using the material table overrride value. I suspect something there is causing this. Brian will (eventually) add an error message to the toolpath display when any gcode is bad.

I wont be able to compile a new version until Im home from NAMES on April 23, but I hope I have figured it out by then.

Newfangled Mill Wizard / Re: PC ID not showing
« on: April 14, 2013, 06:51:19 PM »
It is clear a blocked mac address will prevent the license code from generating a key. It is not the only factor read, but a critical one.

I will be adding a warning box to pop up if the address is blank.

Newfangled Mill Wizard / Re: PC ID not showing
« on: April 14, 2013, 07:42:47 AM »
The other bug with Mill Wizard is if you select any of the tools from the Select a New Tool Table, the tool path display doesn't work. It will generate the Gcode... just can't see the tool path. Also If there isn't a tool path display... you will also find Mill Wizard sets the feed rate to zero in the Gcode. To fix it you have to manually enter new values (actually any value will work) in the feed rate and plunge boxes.

If the toolpath doesnt display there is a a bug in the gcode. Selecting the toolpath from the table works well with the tables I have tested. Have you made some custom tool table? I would like to see it to figure out what is wrong. I experienced a toolpath failing to display yesterday, in front of a seminar at the Cabin Fever show, obviously not a good time to do any serious debug.

The feedrate to zero indicates the tool selection went wrong, the error check should prevent that.

Im on the road now, the end of Cabin Fever today, then on to Detroit for NAMES next weekend. I can  read the source to look for errors, but cannot compile new code on my laptop. I will try to figure this one out and be ready for a fix when I get home.

There have been few bug reports so far, and they have been fixed, this one will too.

Newfangled Mill Wizard / Re: Install issue
« on: April 13, 2013, 07:08:38 AM »
Brian and I talked about these issues last night,, we will continue to discuss it. When I get back to my dev machine I work with the installer package and see what can be done.

Newfangled Mill Wizard / Re: PC ID not showing
« on: April 12, 2013, 10:04:55 PM »
I am at Cabin Fever show, where we just finished aa day of CNCn seminar, and intro to Mach4. Everyone seems to like Mach4

I have no idea why the license code field would be blank. Ill talk to Brian about it tomorrow and see if he has anidea.

Newfangled Mill Wizard / Re: Gcode on Circle, Arc and feed rate errors
« on: April 10, 2013, 07:25:01 AM »
Brian is having the web site re-worked, and he is  trying to find a way I can update just the wizard installer.

I have attached an exe file to this message. If you download it, unzip it and put the NFS-mill.exe file into the program files folder to replace the current one it ought to work.

If for some reason this fails, just re-run the release installer, it will put everything back.

Sorry I dont have a better way to do this yet. We will, but its going to be a couple weeks. I am leaving today for Cabin Fever and NAMES shows, not back until April 23. I will be following mail and this forum, but will not have access to the dev machine. Brian and the rest of the Mach crew will be leaving tomorrow for Cabin Fever.

General Mach Discussion / Re: CNC Seminar day at Cabin Fever expo
« on: April 08, 2013, 09:21:44 PM »
Seminar starts at 10:00 with a CamBam session. Brian is on at 1:00, until he runs down, then if its not Saturday Ill do a bit on the wizards.

We will also run a couple shorter seminars on Saturday, schedule TBD

That is a bug in the toolpath display, the gcode will be correct. The toolpath is the same code as used in the mach4 product, and it will get fixed before Mach4 is released.

Newfangled Solutions Mach3 Wizards / Re: NFS Turn Wizard
« on: April 03, 2013, 09:04:34 AM »
I could add a DRO for a pitch input and make the logic look for either TPI or Pitch, whichever was non-zero, and give an error message if both had non-zero values. I would have to put pitch as the last param in the threads.txt file.

I will try to do this in the next day or two.

I dont think a G95 is needed before a thread operation, the G76 thread cycle does the correct move.

I dont understand your issues on the tool change. I think it works correctly.

Newfangled Solutions Mach3 Wizards / Re: NFS Turn Wizard
« on: April 01, 2013, 07:36:56 PM »
Well, this is a bit embarrassing.  I thought it was set up so that a metric user just entered the pitch in the line labeled TPI and the code handled it, but now looking at the code I think it does not.

Can one of the metric users come in here and tell me if it does handle metric threads correctly? I cannot believe in over a year of this being out no one has complained about this before.