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Messages - slvm

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Thank you Hood

-homing speed is lowered at 20% (think is to low), trip on X=2700 Y=1700
I will
-set accel.  to 0.2ms
-I will modify/made it longer the space between switches

Is the acceleration the same? - Unfortunate have no ideea what is the value of the acceleration on my old module....

My actual acceleration is now 0.4 ms.

Right.But I assigned also to csmio A+ A- and B+ B-

Index is not wired.
attach is the manual of Dam 60 (BUM 60) drive , I not detected wich is the index.

Thank you for the informations
I will check and test the wiring and/or new set-up on this week.
I wonder why the machine on old config (osai controller) run very fast on G0 (25 m/min) against limits and cross not over the home to trigg the -/+ switch ???
I try set-up on Motor Home/Lmits the slow -zone very large 20-30mm but the machine slowing not on home moving.
Perhaps you could look on my xml file to see what is wrong ....?

Are there home switches as well as limits? If not then I would say you would be better off with separate home switches.

Hi Hood
Long time not see you (r post)!
Home switches are present.
For better understand this matter see the switches pics on to the page 8 of my worklog.
Those are for Y-Axis but the X&Z have same principle .My problem is that 1 switch is responsible with  - and + and I think the soft can not discriminate wich is for - and wich is for +

Hi Thomas
I separate the switches already but not remove the Rl 10 .I will try it again with RL 10 removed from chain.
If I will have no succes then I will buy (and mount) separate  limits switches for all axis XYZ -/+ .
thanks for "refresh"
BTW the winbass comunicate not with the drive because the software version.each drive have his own version.

Hi All
The ultimate news are following:
I intend to build one static holder for tools along Y Axis: the benfits are following:
Got from Cs-Lab one VB for tool-changer along Y wich is static, of course some parameters is to be changed,  in this way I will avoid to work/manage the ATM rotary from Baumuller !

I think I will buy and mount separate axis limit - switches on All axis !I try to declare the prezent limit switches on Mach3 but DON'T WORK FINE. If machine move with full speed or half speed when homing it cross over home limit and hit the -limit switch ! the limit-switches are wired on emergency chain and by hit de-energyze the drives, if drives are power off they don't move on Override limit set-up ! Bad thingh is : if I want to re-energyze drives, I can not, because the emergency state....
Need help on this , because I think somewhere I do mistakes.... :-[ ???

I stop to think at rotary Axis ATM managed by my old Baumuller drive and motor.
Got the Winbass software but is one pain in the A....s to comunicate with this drive, even  you got the Soft ; it must to have the right version for your drive wich is almost impossible....
Conclusion/Fazit : Think 100 times before buying servo+drives and buy ONCE for future ! VERY IMPORTANT Check twice or 10 times the after -sale support contract or agreement !

Hi Thomas
It seems I have more bad results with companies that sell very expensive products and try to earn money even after the items are obsolete....
same problem I have with HSD, I try to reprogramm my inverter but got problems because same reason .
I mail to Baumuller but since today got no mail back, I try to acces the driver without program set-up but got no acces on it since got no serial number.
BTW have they told you how much money they will for this (shayz) obsolete soft ?

Now is to understand why all almost all (CNC users) need to have regular components and get free from All those sharks >:(


are still watching this, to be my second chance ?

It seems Hood is no more on-line for this post..... ???

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