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Author Topic: Laser not firing after being replaced  (Read 6626 times)

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Laser not firing after being replaced
« on: October 01, 2023, 01:55:25 PM »
Hi all,

Recently my laser stopped firing on jobs and I figured it had just reached the end of its life. I ordered a new one from amazon, hooked it up and it tested fine with the test button on the power supply. However it's still not firing when running jobs and I'm not sure what's going on.

The power supply was unplugged while installing the new laser and all the wires are in the correct position. I use a small script in mach3 that triggers the laser on output 4 to fire when it is under -.01. That is working normally and output 4 shows as active in diagnostics when the laser is under -.01. I first tested the voltage on the mach3 usb board and the power supply and am getting 4.45/4.14V when not being triggered and 4.55/4.38V when triggered so a signal is reaching the power supply. I thought the power supply itself might be the issue and replaced that with no change.

Now I'm going through my entire setup trying to find the issue and I'm running out of ideas.

I've been using this setup for 3 years now with no issues after TPS gave me a script on this post https://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php?topic=43312.msg280025#msg280025 And the script is
Code: [Select]
'turn output ON
If GetDro(2) < -0.01 Then
End If

'turn output OFF
If GetDro(2) >= 0.0 Then
End If

While digging into this I realized that I tweaked the code to output 4 for some reason and the wire at the board is on output 3. I honestly have no idea why it is setup this way and can't understand how it even worked. I have changed the script back to output 3 and it shows as active in diagnostics but the laser still doesn't fire. I also changed the code back to output 4 and moved the wire to output 4 on the board as well with no change.

Currently everything is back to the original state, code is set to output 4 and the wire is on output 3. I'm still a complete novice at wiring everything and using mach3 so please forgive any dumb mistakes.
