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Messages - Bill_O

General Mach Discussion / profile password
« on: March 08, 2022, 05:27:04 PM »
Can one of the moderators help with my password for my profile?
I can not remember the password and of coarse did not put any hints in.


also this might be helpful if you have never done code in lua

here is where you can find all the mc calls

It will take a little coding but this is basically what you need to do.

get current units

if G20 for inch
do tool change

if G21 for mm
set units to G20
do tool change
set units back to G21

I do not use that pendant.
Under Configure / Plugins is there a plugin for it?
It might be in there you can tell it not to use "A"

It looks to me like you need to fix the code.
Go to Operator then Edit Screen.
On the left select the top object in the Screen Tree Manager
Under Properties select the middle icon.
Click on Screen Load Script then click the button with the three"..."
Find function GoToWorkZero()
It should have several options.
Some will be commented out.
Make sure the one you want is not commented out and all the others are commented out.

This might help also.


Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Z home before cycle start
« on: March 04, 2022, 08:56:12 AM »
this function that you use:
mc.mcAxisSetPos(inst, 0, PosSetX1)
not make any change on x value

PosSetX1 is a variable.
If you did not set PosSetX1 to a number first it will not work.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Persistent Spindle Range DRO
« on: February 25, 2022, 04:02:48 PM »
Probably need to do some other code to make the register set the spindle range.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Persistent Spindle Range DRO
« on: February 24, 2022, 09:14:00 AM »
I usually will do something like set a register then make the register permanent.
Then have the dro read the register.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Z home before cycle start
« on: February 23, 2022, 12:28:02 PM »
I am far from a Lua expert but here is my custom cycle start.
You might be able to find what you need it it.

-- Cycle Start() function.
function CycleStart()
    local rc;
    local tab, rc = scr.GetProperty("MainTabs", "Current Tab")
    local tabG_Mdione, rc = scr.GetProperty("nbGCodeMDI1", "Current Tab")
    local tabG_Mditwo, rc = scr.GetProperty("nbGCodeMDI2", "Current Tab")
   --if machine home not done exit run with message
   MachHmdRegH = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'iRegs0/MachHmd')
   MachHmd = mc.mcRegGetValue(MachHmdRegH)
   ATCOnRegH = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'iRegs0/ATCOnOff')
   ATCOn = mc.mcRegGetValue(ATCOnRegH)
   if (MachHmd == 0) and (ATCOn == 1)then
      wx.wxMessageBox('Please Set Machine Home Before Clicking Run')
      --See if we have to do an MDI command and if so, which one
      if ((tonumber(tab) == 0 and tonumber(tabG_Mdione) == 1) or (tonumber(tab) == 2 and tonumber(tabG_Mditwo) == 1 )) then
         local state = mc.mcCntlGetState(inst);
         if (state == mc.MC_STATE_MRUN_MACROH) then
            --mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, "Do Cycle Start");
            if (tonumber(tab) == 0) then 
               --mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, "Do MDI 1");
               --mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, "Do MDI 2");
      elseif tonumber(tab) > 2 then --No G Code or MDI panel is displayed so Do Nothing
         --mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, "Nothing to Start");
      else --Do CycleStart
         --mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, "Do Cycle Start");
         --if project home or surface not set exit run with message
         hregHm1 = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'iRegs0/ProjHm1Set')
         ProjHmd1 = mc.mcRegGetValue(hregHm1)
         hregHm2 = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'iRegs0/ProjHm2Set')
         ProjHmd2 = mc.mcRegGetValue(hregHm2)
         hreg2 = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'iRegs0/SurfSet')
         SurfHmd = mc.mcRegGetValue(hreg2)
         --Set time on Maintinance timer
         local hMaint = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'iRegs0/MaintTime')
         local MaintTime = mc.mcRegGetValue(hMaint)
         local hRunning = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'iRegs0/RunningTime')
         local RunningTime = mc.mcRegGetValue(hRunning)
         MaintTime = (MaintTime + RunningTime)
         mc.mcRegSetValue(hMaint, MaintTime)
         mc.mcRegSetValue(hRunning, 0.0)
         --get offset number
         local hregPHN = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'iRegs0/ProjHmPos')
         local ProjHmNum = mc.mcRegGetValue(hregPHN)
         --get if in tk mode and if homed
         local TKOnOff = mc.mcCntlGetParameter(502)
         local TKHmdH = mc.mcSignalGetHandle(inst, mc.OSIG_HOMED_A)
         local TKHmdV = mc.mcSignalGetState(TKHmdH)
            if (ProjHmNum == 1) then
               if (ProjHmd1 == 0) then
                  wx.wxMessageBox('Please Set Project 1 Home Before Clicking Run')
               elseif (SurfHmd == 0) then
                  wx.wxMessageBox('Please Set Surface Before Clicking Run')
               elseif (TKOnOff == 1) and (TKHmdV == 0) then
                  wx.wxMessageBox('Please Home TK Before Clicking Run')
                  --get and set home 1 offsets
                  hregX1 = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'iRegs0/ProjHm1X')
                  ValX1 = mc.mcRegGetValue(hregX1)
                  hregY1 = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'iRegs0/ProjHm1Y')
                  ValY1 = mc.mcRegGetValue(hregY1)
                  MachX = mc.mcAxisGetMachinePos(inst, 0)
                  MachY = mc.mcAxisGetMachinePos(inst, 1)
                  PosSetX1 = (MachX - ValX1)
                  PosSetY1 = (MachY - ValY1)
                  mc.mcAxisSetPos(inst, 0, PosSetX1)
                  mc.mcAxisSetPos(inst, 1, PosSetY1)
                  --regenerate toolpath
--                  mc.mcToolPathGenerate(inst)
                  --if machine homed check if file larger than soft limits
                  hregMHmd = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'iRegs0/MachHmd')
                  valMHmd = mc.mcRegGetValue(hregMHmd)
                  if (valMHmd == 1) then
                     MaxX = mc.mcAxisGetSoftlimitMax(inst, 0)
                     MaxY = mc.mcAxisGetSoftlimitMax(inst, 1)
                     hregPathXMax = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'core/inst/PathXmax')
                     PathXmax = mc.mcRegGetValue(hregPathXMax)
                     hregPathYMax = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'core/inst/PathYmax')
                     PathYmax = mc.mcRegGetValue(hregPathYMax)
                     MinX = mc.mcAxisGetSoftlimitMin(inst, 0)
                     MinY = mc.mcAxisGetSoftlimitMin(inst, 1)
                     hregPathXMin = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'core/inst/PathXmin')
                     PathXmin = mc.mcRegGetValue(hregPathXMin)
                     hregPathYMin = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'core/inst/PathYmin')
                     PathYmin = mc.mcRegGetValue(hregPathYMin)
                     if (PathXmax >= MaxX) or (PathYmax >= MaxY) or (PathXmin <= MinX) or (PathYmin <= MinY) then
                        wx.wxMessageBox("Cut file is outside cut area.\nContinuing may damage machine.")

            if (ProjHmNum == 2) then
               if (ProjHmd2 == 0) then
                  wx.wxMessageBox('Please Set Project 2 Home Before Clicking Run')
               elseif (SurfHmd == 0) then
                  wx.wxMessageBox('Please Set Surface Before Clicking Run')
               elseif (TKOnOff == 1) and (TKHmdV == 0) then
                  wx.wxMessageBox('Please Home TK Before Clicking Run')
                  --get and set home 2 offsets
                  hregX2 = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'iRegs0/ProjHm2X')
                  ValX2 = mc.mcRegGetValue(hregX2)
                  hregY2 = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'iRegs0/ProjHm2Y')
                  ValY2 = mc.mcRegGetValue(hregY2)
                  MachX = mc.mcAxisGetMachinePos(inst, 0)
                  MachY = mc.mcAxisGetMachinePos(inst, 1)
                  PosSetX2 = (MachX - ValX2)
                  PosSetY2 = (MachY - ValY2)
                  mc.mcAxisSetPos(inst, 0, PosSetX2)
                  mc.mcAxisSetPos(inst, 1, PosSetY2)
                  --regenerate toolpath
--                  mc.mcToolPathGenerate(0)
                  --if machine homed check if file larger than soft limits
                  hregMHmd = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'iRegs0/MachHmd')
                  valMHmd = mc.mcRegGetValue(hregMHmd)
                  if (valMHmd == 1) then
                     MaxX = mc.mcAxisGetSoftlimitMax(inst, 0)
                     MaxY = mc.mcAxisGetSoftlimitMax(inst, 1)
                     hregPathXMax = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'core/inst/PathXmax')
                     PathXmax = mc.mcRegGetValue(hregPathXMax)
                     hregPathYMax = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'core/inst/PathYmax')
                     PathYmax = mc.mcRegGetValue(hregPathYMax)
                     MinX = mc.mcAxisGetSoftlimitMin(inst, 0)
                     MinY = mc.mcAxisGetSoftlimitMin(inst, 1)
                     hregPathXMin = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'core/inst/PathXmin')
                     PathXmin = mc.mcRegGetValue(hregPathXMin)
                     hregPathYMin = mc.mcRegGetHandle(inst, 'core/inst/PathYmin')
                     PathYmin = mc.mcRegGetValue(hregPathYMin)
                     if (PathXmax >= MaxX) or (PathYmax >= MaxY) or (PathXmin <= MinX) or (PathYmin <= MinY) then
                        wx.wxMessageBox("Cut file is outside cut area.\nContinuing may damage machine.")