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Author Topic: LazyCam 3 Help  (Read 2728 times)

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LazyCam 3 Help
« on: December 26, 2007, 05:01:17 PM »
I've just bought a Mach3 license and downloaded LazyCam 3. I watched the video 'LazyCam 3' and was optimistic because I understood most of it! The downloaded Lazycam 3 window looks nothing like the window shown in the video, and I just can't make out how to use it. I have a drawing (dxf) which I can load as a complete unit or in sections ( outline shape, holes etc), I either want to split the whole thing into layers or load each layer as a separate dxf file.
Also, one of the files is a series of 80-odd 2mm holes and this file just appears as a dot or small square in the window. This file seems to open OK in SheetCad.
I hope someone can help!
Re: LazyCam 3 Help
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2007, 10:11:30 AM »
Greetings and Merry Christmas,

The video is old. LazyCAM doesn't look like that any more. Keep looking at the list of videos. You'll see a video on LazyCAM that shows the version we are all using now.

My advice would be to save only the layers you want to cut in AutoCAD R12 version. I'd also put lines you want to turn into tool path into one layer. It's been my experience that LazyCAM doesn't handle layers, or even some types of lines like arcs, very well. It is meant for the easy stuff. Your CAD software should be able to save a file in R12 because Release 12 is a very stable version for AutoCAD. The 2mm holes will look like dots (drill marks) if you have a cutter that is being used as a drill to make the holes.

The best way to learn to use LazyCAM is to make a few simple programs and practice cutting them in foam. Hope this helps,

Shane Sidebottom