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Messages - DJSprocket

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yeah i solved that by using a 12 volt led across one of the 12 volt outputs. it also serves as a power indicator

http://store.qkits.com/moreinfo.cfm/QK179 is the only data that i have on the board

well i got the boars a couple hours ago assembled one and now im testing it with the pc power supply. when i turn on the pc power supply the moter turns a bit then i guess what happens is the power supply goes into protect mode. any help?

yeah the 5 volt rail is 28 amps and the 12 is 18 amps

OK the reason i ask about the pc power supply is i  have about 10 of the things im not using. Would running the steppers at 5 volts be fine or shold i run them off like ... 12 volts

well ill look into it Thanks for your help so far Tweakie. When i get the parts later today ill start posting pics of the build. although i am using a base machine that is prefabbed from gerber scientific products. Ill still post pics of it and the integration of the new electronics. one more question all 4 of my steppers are 5 volt 1 amp or slight variations of 5 volt. could i get away with using a 5 volt rail of a pc power supply?

well where is the right one...

EDIT correct me if im wrong but this is the third party software and hardware support forum right....

4 axis actually. and im probably not going to use limit or home switches. unless i get a full DB25 pin cable instead of this stupid 11 wire one.... the reason being is the only axis on my machine i can really have a limit on is the x axis. as its the only axis with linear motion. IE it goes left to right on the machine and has to stop at the ends. all the other axes are rotational with infinity being their theoretical stop point. although the a axis... for the tangential following for the knife is a 1 rotation + 1 rotation configuration meaning 1 step = 1.8 degrees rotation. and the tool axis Z for tool up and down is only a few mm travel but its also a 1 =1 ratio as well. so 180 degrees 1 way = tool down and vice versa. but how would i code tangential knife in EMC2 which is what i will use.

Thanks Tweakie. is Mach3 free r wuld i have to purchase it? I alos just fund out the DB25 cable i got nly has 11 wires connected aside frm the bare grund cable. do i really need all 25 pins cnnected thrugh t make this work well?

So i figured out another way to get this plotter to work and im in the process of designing the conversion. I ordered 4 of the following stepper drivers for 6 wire unipolar steppers http://store.qkits.com/moreinfo.cfm/QK179
and i plan on using EMC2 on a linux ubuntu box as it lets you set the individual pinout on a DB-25 cable for communications. it also runs the plotter/cutter/whatever live. I was wondering if anyone knew any good starting settings for EMC2 configurations or if i should set things up relatively slow for the first little while whilst i configure and calibrate the cutter. Thanks in Advance David.
P.S. the other solution i had was to buy a seperate controller for the existing electronics in the plotter which would have cost me about $1300

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