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Messages - TonyMemphis

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Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Coroutine question/problem
« on: September 17, 2021, 11:06:17 PM »
Yes, that seems to be the whole problem.  I'd like to call it a typo, but it was really my ignorance.  I've used that call a bunch, but I just forgot and left it out.  I took everything from the function and put it back into the script after the yield and it seems to be working fine now. 

I got that all wrapped up and got back to the business of making sawdust with my machine today. 

Thanks again for the help.


Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Coroutine question/problem
« on: September 17, 2021, 09:49:05 AM »
Oops.  Thanks for catching that.   I had also left out an mc in front of a OSIG call but I caught that one.  I'll go back and try some more without the function to see if I cam make it work. 

Thanks for the help.


Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Coroutine question/problem
« on: September 16, 2021, 09:58:34 PM »
Thanks for the help.  I was getting really frustrated and about to just give up.  The routine did the positioning I needed, I just wanted to "make it pretty!"  I tried creating a function that resides in the screen load script and calling that function after the yield.  That worked.  Why?  I dunno.

I was really working on two scripts (in buttons). One to move to a safe Z position (Machine coord.  -0.5) and one that moves the router to the edge of the table where it it easy to swap bits.  After clicking, the scripts changes the display to Machine coords, checks to make sure the machine has been homed, moves the router into position, then changes back to work coords, and in the case of tool change, disables the machine.  The functions handle everything after the move. 

The button script for Safe Z...

Code: [Select]

--This script is to test using a coroutine so that when a Gcode
--is sent, the DRO's are updated live and the completion message doesn't
--show up until the move is complete
--another post on Mach4 suggested checking to see if the machine is indeed in the
--correct location before displaying the finished message in case something happened
-- to prevent it from getting there - not sure how to do that yet. 

local inst = mc.mcGetInstance()
local val
local rc
local homed

--Change to machine coords
local hsig = mc.mcSignalGetHandle(inst, mc.OSIG_MACHINE_CORD)
local sig = mc.mcSignalGetState(hsig)

if (sig == 0) then

--check if Z is homed . if not - do nothing

homed , rc = mc.mcAxisIsHomed(inst,mc.Z_AXIS)

if homed == 1 then
SafeZ = coroutine.create(function()

mc.mcCntlGcodeExecute(inst, "G53 G1 Z-0.5 F25")
val,rc = mc.mcAxisGetMachinePos(inst,mc.Z_AXIS)
    if val == -0.5000 then
--wx.wxMessageBox("Safe Z Finished")
--mc.mcCntlSetLastError("Safe Z completed")
wx.wxMessageBox("Oops! - Didn't make it to -0.5'")
--wx.wxMessageBox("Safe Z Finished")

wx.wxMessageBox("Move Cancelled - Z is not homed")

The function in the screen load script...

Code: [Select]
function readytogoZzero()
--wx.wxMessageBox("readytogo from function")
local hsigCORD = mc.mcSignalGetHandle(inst, mc.OSIG_MACHINE_CORD)
mc.mcSignalSetState(hsigCORD,0)-- go back to work coords
mc.mcCntlSetLastError(inst, "Safe Z reached...")

I use the message boxes for testing to let me know the script got to a certain spot.  Also, some of the notes are outdated.  I've ben using these buttons since last year, but I decided I wanted to spruce them up a bit (like disabling the machine after moving to bit swapping position).

I use the same idea for the tool change script but I check all three axes for homing and disable the machine once it gets moved. 

Thanks again for the help.  I still don't understand why this worked, but it does work well, so....


Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Coroutine question/problem
« on: September 16, 2021, 12:07:18 PM »
I just checked my PLC code to make sure and I noticed it is a little different in that it checks machState.  Is that an issue?

Code: [Select]
--SafeZ 10FE20
if (SafeZ ~= nil) and (machState == 0) then --wait exist and state == idle
local state = coroutine.status(SafeZ)
    if state == "suspended" then --wait is suspended

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Coroutine question/problem
« on: September 16, 2021, 12:02:10 PM »
Yessir.  Your the one that taught me how to get started with a coroutine!  Thanks! 

I did exactly what you did in the video.  The Gcode works, and I can get a message to display after that, but I can't seem to do anything beyond that.

I saw another post where the poster did something similar and called a function that was defined in the screen load script.  I may try that today. 



Mach4 General Discussion / Coroutine question/problem
« on: September 15, 2021, 05:58:31 PM »
 i double posted this by accident (over in the General mach forum)

First, what I am attempting to do is create a button that raises the router to what I call "safeZ" - just to get it out of the way to work on my workpiece or whatever.

I created a coroutine so the DRO would show the progress.  Now, after the GCode move is complete, I'd liek to do some other stuff.  But, after the move is complete, nothing happens!  I've tried all sorts of commands down there and nothing happens.  One thing I was trying to add was to disable the machine after the move.  If I add that down there, it disables before the move!

What I mean by down there is after the else where it says back to work coordinates.

So, basically I am trying to complete a move and keep the DRO live, then do other things like display the error message and perhaps disable the machine.

One more thing I noticed....in the function, message boxes are executed, but not the mach functions like mc.CntlSetLastError.

Thanks for any help!


Code: [Select]

--This script is to test using a coroutine so that when a Gcode
--is sent, the DRO's are updated live and the completion message doesn't
--show up until the move is complete
--another post on Mach4 suggested checking to see if the machine is indeed in the
--correct location before displaying the finished message in case something happened
-- to prevent it from getting there - not sure how to do that yet.

local inst = mc.mcGetInstance()
local val
local rc
local homed

--Change to machine coords
local hsig = mc.mcSignalGetHandle(inst, mc.OSIG_MACHINE_CORD)
local sig = mc.mcSignalGetState(hsig)

if (sig == 0) then

--check if Z is homed . if not - do nothing

homed , rc = mc.mcAxisIsHomed(inst,mc.Z_AXIS)

if homed == 1 then
SafeZ = coroutine.create(function()

mc.mcCntlGcodeExecute(inst, "G53 G1 Z-0.5 F25")
val,rc = mc.mcAxisGetMachinePos(inst,mc.Z_AXIS)
    if val == -0.5000 then
--wx.wxMessageBox("Safe Z Finished")
mc.mcCntlSetLastError("Safe Z completed")
wx.wxMessageBox("Oops! - Didn't make it to -0.5'")
--wx.wxMessageBox("Safe Z Finished")

wx.wxMessageBox("Move Cancelled - Z is not homed")

--back to work coords
wx.wxMessageBox("Safe Z Finished")

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Jog Rate lost each shutdown
« on: August 10, 2021, 09:57:14 PM »
Ironically, I got a reply from AVID today and he told me that this was a known issue.  He suggested the Beta too.  I feel much better that it was not my own stupidity!  Ignorance I can handle... 

I did learn a few things in this quest, so that's good.  Not sure I'll try the beta though.  I may just wait until its released for all.  I'm in the middle of a couple of other projects.  I am curious though. 

Thanks for the help everyone,


Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Jog Rate lost each shutdown
« on: August 10, 2021, 03:30:30 PM »
I've been out in the shop playing with this.  Weird.  If I try scr.get... in a button and display the value in a wx box, it works fine. 

I think something else is saving the jog rate in the ini file after the unload script?  Is that possible?  Here is the setup...

I set the jog rate to 55.  After I exit, the file shows  35.  However, if I get and save that same value under a different key name (Jog for instance), it save correctly every time.  Weird.

Code: [Select]
--Save Jog Rate % to .ini
local valJogRate = scr.GetProperty("droJogRate", "Value")
local jogSTR = tostring(valJogRate)
mc.mcProfileWriteString(inst, "Preferences", "JogRate", jogSTR)

--the above doesn't work
--added by Tony 10AU21 - axis specific but tey are all the same rate
local cRate = mc.mcJogGetRate(inst, 1)
local cRateSTR = tostring(cRate)
mc.mcProfileWriteString(inst, "Preferences", "Jog", cRateSTR)

The second part works every time, but the first one doesn't. 


Tony (dazed and confused at the moment)

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Jog Rate lost each shutdown
« on: August 10, 2021, 12:42:53 PM »
Well, after a lot of searching and reading, etc., I still can't make it work.  I can use mc.mcJogGetRate for a single axis and that works fine,  The problem seems to be the screen call doesn't ever return anything.  I tried getting the Values and Labels from numerous things on the screen and I never get anything but a nil or a "".   

I am using the AVID setup and my Mach 4 version is

Any ideas? 

This is what is NOT working:   local valJogRate = scr.GetProperty("droJogRate", "Value")



Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Jog Rate lost each shutdown
« on: August 08, 2021, 05:21:44 PM »
Well, I must not be masking this clear.  Sorry!  But the AVID screen unload script DOES have code that is supposed to save the current jog rate.  But it doesn't.  The only time I can make it work is if I edit the machine.ini file with Notepad and remove the jog rate line.  After that, the rate is saved once but never again. 



Code: [Select]
--Screen unload
inst = mc.mcGetInstance()

if (Tframe ~= nil) then -- touch plate frame
-- Tframe:Destroy()

if (ASframe ~= nil) then -- touch plate advanced settings frame
-- ASframe:Destroy()

--Save Jog Rate % to .ini
local valJogRate = scr.GetProperty("droJogRate", "Value")
mc.mcProfileWriteString(inst, "Preferences", "JogRate", valJogRate)

-- check modified state of config files

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