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Messages - eat

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I have been busy with work for a wile I have just about got the boards mounted
but I wish that cnc4pc had some pictures with there stuff connected to drives and things

it makes it much easier for some people there products seem good but there documentation
could be much better by including about 10 more pictures in there
 just my opinion
but I am sure others feel this way
my email is ror@whidbey.com

please forgive the late reply I built a new computer and did not get notified
of the reply's completely my fault
 but man this new computer is amazing with the ssd drives and all everything happens instantly

Hi if anyone has a picture of these mounted together that worked good for them I would love to see it
I believe it would be a big help to me to get some ideas how others are doing it
thanks a lot

it is not that I am unwilling to do the work myself
I would just prefer not to do it as many times to get it right

it looks like it would be best to have the side with all the leds to be clear on the case
so you could easily see all the indicators is all the thoughts I have had about it so far
thanks bye Rob

it seems like they may be a little awkward to get all mounted together
but I am shure I will get it figured out

I would also be willing to repay the effort if you can think of somthing

Mach3 and G-Rex / easy way to set separate home switch
« on: August 24, 2008, 06:27:47 PM »
hi I know there must be a easy way to get this set up so I am asking
I have 3 switches for each axis 3 at this point and all wired up good
I have the table set at 24 x  48 y in the soft limits for now

so I am working on one axis the x now and I have the home switch about 8 inches over from the left side
so would the easy method be to move the axis all the way to about a inch from the limit switch on the left
then zero the dro then move it to the other side about a inch from the limit switch and write in that number in the soft max
then go back until the home switch is activated and write that dro number in the X Box on the G28 home location coordinates

does this sound right  ?

then repeat for other axis

or do I need a mesure from the home and zero there
 then go out to the limit and put a positive number for one side and a minus for the other length
in the soft  limit min and max in the motor home/ soft limits
at 8) the place about a inch from my limits witches

any one that has set there’s and would like to please reply 

the machine seems to be working great but I have been busy but would now like to get back to where i was finishing the last touches
in the settings and beginning working with it
 i believe it will take a little getting used to
 thank you

Mach3 and G-Rex / Re: G 100 no lights on
« on: November 22, 2007, 05:59:59 PM »
hi did you get this figured out mine does the same thing
just the ch-1 lights on dim and then the green one comes on bright
when the firmware starts

please let me know as I cant get mine to turn the motors
have you got yours to move the motors at all

General Mach Discussion / Re: grex
« on: November 22, 2007, 02:40:10 AM »
hi did you ever get this figured out
I am having trouble also and need some help

Mach3 and G-Rex / Re: Need help Getting motors to turn
« on: November 19, 2007, 06:02:47 PM »
I just tried it again and noticed when I push the key to go into + direction on the keyboard
a red light comes on behind where the step direction wires are wile it is pushed
if I push in the - direction the red led behind the direction wire comes on and stays on
thinking it must be a wiring thing I double checked my encoder also tried switching the phase wires for it
but it is all correct and changing the wires did nothing
I have all the wires removed except the power to the G100
the crossover cable and the plus wire from the G100 to the drives
and the step and direction wires to one drive
still the same also tried another axis with another motor earlier and no movement
the people at Gecko say they don't know what it could be
only thing I can think of is to try to set up a parallel port and check the drives without the grex
to test that end of the parts and wiring 
well I guess some day I will get it figured out

Mach3 and G-Rex / Need help Getting motors to turn
« on: November 19, 2007, 04:02:46 PM »
Need help Getting motors to turn

I have the grex installed and the motor tuning flashed
And the encoder settings flashed to the grex
I have a green light on the G100 and set a couple hot keys when I push the key
The dro counts but the motors don’t a red light lights up by the step and direction wires
On the G100

There is power to the motor
I have a motor mounted in a vice to test it
If you need more info let me know

I had a wireless internet connection on the computer but had to remove it
Things seem to be working now but I cant get the motors to turn I believe it is just a simple setting but an not sure I am using a separate computer for the internet and will print out
The information I find out and take it to the other computer to try

I am out of ideas almost all the parts are made to work together but something is wrong
The only thing I can think of now besides keep playing with the settings in mach3
Is to take one of the motors off the machine and change it for the one I have for testing
To rule out a bad motor all the motors and other parts are new so that should not be the case

Thanks for any help or ideas
I have the motors enabled and set to port 1
I have tried it with encoders enabled or without with the same results

It is most likely a simple setting
When I am in the motor tuning I notice when I put a number in to like a 1 in the step and dir box
And flash it to the G100 the next time I open it it still has a zero in them

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