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Messages - juki77

Pages: 1
Spanish / Re: Necesito ayuda con Mach3 y thc
« on: May 24, 2020, 10:47:09 AM »
Hello, how are you? , yes, I use lpt board, THC UP and THC Dnw are on pins 13 and 12 respectively, both in active low, and on the diagnostic screen when thc works the warning lights come on as thc goes up or down, that is to say that mach3 detects them but ignores them, on some occasions if the Z axis has been raised by order of the thc, but it never goes down, that's why I think I am missing some configuration
Attached XML set file
thank you very much

Spanish / Necesito ayuda con Mach3 y thc
« on: May 24, 2020, 07:58:37 AM »
Buen dia compaƱeros, tengo un pantografo cnc con plasma y mach3 con thc, cuando corta el thc envia la orden y se ve en Diagnostics como trabaja la bajada y subida, pero mach3 pareciera ignorarlo, esta todo configurado como debe aparentemente, pero es como si hubiera un delay, no lo se
Ya probe variar todos los parametros que se pueden en la pantalla del mach, tambien esta configurado en modo thc, no se si me faltara algo.
muchas gracias

VB and the development of wizards / Re: macro to call g54 and g55, etc
« on: December 28, 2019, 02:46:52 PM »
Hello TPS, the macro worked perfect !!!, once the tangential has done its job, when it detects the new tool automatically applies the g55 which is the offset of the laser pointer.
I ask you another question, you may know.
When you start cutting with the laser pointer, I have electrically deactivated the Z axis and the A with the M07 since the laser pointer is fixed and operated by the M03.The problem is that when the M07 command falls, both the Z and A move a little when reconnected by the relay, losing the original position
The path I generate with sheetcam and the post is mach3 tangential.
Do you know how in a trajectory to ignore the Z and A axis without editing the code g?
I thank you for your help,
Then I will record a small video and upload it.
best regards ?

VB and the development of wizards / macro to call g54 and g55, etc
« on: December 27, 2019, 05:31:40 PM »
Hi, how are you ?, I have built a machine that has two heads, one fixed with a laser and the other with a z-axis and tangential (A-axis).
I would like to know if you can create a macro that when you read a tool change in the g-code, the macro calls the offset on the X and Y axes of that tool.
I tried but I don't understand any programming and I haven't found something like that on the web. I've seen videos of machines that do it but I can't do it.
Thanks a lot
best regards

hello friends of the forum, I have a cnc that I am manufacturing of 4 axes, and has the rotating z-axis with 180 degree turn.
I wanted to know if I can advise any cam or post prosesador program to use this axis, I use the artcam but I have not managed to make it work, since in artcam I replace the x axis with the A, but it is not what I need.
thanks so much

G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / post processor 3.5d for
« on: January 10, 2019, 07:48:16 PM »
Hello, I'm building a 4-axis router which has the spindle with a 180 degree turn, I wanted to know which post-prosrator they use for the artcam or shhet cam, someone has experience in this topic?
Thank you very much for your time

Pages: 1