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How many People WILL attend the "Advanced" mach3 Class???

Yes I will Attend (for the C++ class)
2 (50%)
Yes I will Attend (for the Flash class)
0 (0%)
Yes I will Attend (for the Modbus class)
0 (0%)
Most or All the Advanced classes
0 (0%)
Will just attend the Standard (sat/sun) classes, not the Advanced.
2 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 4

Author Topic: 2cd Annual Mach3 Convention SE (MCSE)  (Read 28982 times)

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Offline poppabear

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Entry Price REDUCED!!!!!!!!! to $100
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2009, 10:59:31 AM »
I KNOW our economy sucks right now, and in light of that I am reducing the entry price for the two day event to: $100.00 from $200.00 dollars!!!

BUT, if you plan to attend I need you to send me an Email or prefably the entry amount before the end of March.

If by the end of March I dont have at least 20 people, then I will have to Cancel the event, since I wont be able to cover basic cost.

Please let me know as soon as you can. After this year I think I may make the event once every Two years instead.

fun times

Offline poppabear

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Re: 2cd Annual Mach3 Convention SE (MCSE)
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2009, 11:52:42 AM »
Sad News........

   I am cancelling the 2cd Annual Mach Convention South East.
   The main reason being that the Army Guard in which I serve,
as of last drill has increased our Drill dates and moved up our deployment date,
back to Iraq. My suspecion that the Army decision was purely political, since the
current ruling party, has said they will pull out. The Army has a budget they want
to keep so they are gonna move us up and out before it is cut off. That is my
unoffical but probably accurate guess as to the "Real Reason".

In eigther case, sign-ups even at the reduced price was only 3 people I know it is
because everyone is scared to death of the Solist Economy they are forcing. This close
to the date I just cant risk being on the hook for the rental and not even breaking even.
Further for the months after my proposed the Community Center starts getting into
renting out its Gym for local sporting events which would make it difficult to schedule.

Digital Machinist has Contacted me and asked to Roll my event into thier event.
They have plans on taking over the "CNC work shop" since Roland is no longer
gonna do that. Location of the new event is as yet undisclosed, and at any rate
may be rolled forward to next year. So I suspect that I will roll my event
into thier event next year depending on where they decide to have it.

If they decide not to include my event for some reason, then I will reschedule
my event for next year, if I am in Iraq at that time, then I will hand off the event
to another teacher.

Payments: For those of you that have paid, I can send you back your fee or roll you
forward to the next event, I will send you an email for your choice.

fun times
Re: 2cd Annual Mach3 Convention SE (MCSE)
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2009, 03:47:09 PM »

I just logged on to register for the Convention only to learn that you have had to cancel.  I was really looking forward to going.  I sure hope you don't wait for two years to reschedule.  If your plans change and you do get to reschedule later on please let me know.  In the meantime I hope your deployment gets canceled.

Ken J

Offline poppabear

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Re: 2cd Annual Mach3 Convention SE (MCSE)
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2009, 04:00:39 PM »
Digital Machinist says that they are gonna try and take over the "CNC Workshop" that Roland was doing in Galesburg, and they called me and asked to roll my event into that one.  Depending of how far away that would be, I may do that. If it is to far away, I will do my own thing again.

It may be a while, I hope NOT to be deployed again eigther, but the "Uncle" doesnt ever call me to ask what I think about it............

I had asked, and asked for quite awhile for people to sign up, only a small hand full did, and that was also not enough to cover the expenses that would have been incurred.
If I do it again, I will put a cut off DATE and minimum number to make it doable, if that is not meet I will cancel again.......
I suspect it may be a year or more till the American People get tired of all the "Socialixm" comming out ot DC, and take back the country and economy, anyway.....

fun times