Your not alone on not finding something as there are a couple of manuals and you need to look at all of them at times.
Sometimes info only mentioned once, there are references to pages that were wrong, and as previuosly posted they don't reflect changes.
There is no "single" place to look for an easy grasp of all that is associated with a rotary axis.
I am working on a Rotary Table How To write up which consolidates a whole bunch of info.
There are a lot of good postings about roatry / 4th axis, but, you need to spend a lot of time searching for specifc info and application
through all the replies to the postings.
ROT 360 ROLLOVER - when checked the A axis Dro wll display from 0-360 degrees and then start over at 0.
If not checked the A axis DRO will be additive such that 2 revolutions will display 720 degrees.
ANG SHORT ROT ON G0-The axis will move in the shortest possible move to a new position, such that if
at 0 degrees and you jogged to 359 deg then it would just rotate -1 degree.
ROTATIONAL SOFT LIMITS - if checked will apply "software" limit switches to the rotary axis.
When you input the value for A ROTATION RADIUS are you keeping the curser in the box and hitting the enter key?
Works here. BTW, the standard lathe screen set dosn't have that DRO. Thus you need to use Mach Mill.
When playing around i suggest you don't do a rapid with an A axis rotation and axis move like:
G00 A360 X20 that corrupted one of my lathe xml's which then affected all the lathe profiles / xml's.